Best Shaving Creams?

Have used TOBS rose & also Almond, then ran out and ended up getting Ingrams in a tube.
I now do not know what to make of Ingrams - one day it feels great, another it feels as if my skin may have dried out a bit.
Have always used Super Max Blue Diamonds, although have now tried Wilkinson's Sword, which I do not like very much.
What is your thoughts as the only way I can get TOBS is direct ordering or thro the Bay?
I think Carl means "the original" formulation of XPEC Shaving Cream which is not currently readily available.

The new XPEC Original Shaving Cream is very good - not quite at the legendary status of its illustrious forebear - but, if you haven't tried 'the original', you should find the new version is absolutely superb.

Not as good as Carsons Apothecary though!
Nah! the original Original is to be found only in certain individuals' drawers - and maybe one in use. A few of us stocked up as it was disappearing.

I can't believe folk might even consider CF and CA as being anywhere near as good. Xpec is the apex of the cream pyramid!
Ingram's shaving cream smells great...But its full of water and poor value for money in my book...In fact they should get the jail for selling this stuff....Wars Classic Shaving Cream from Poland is the Best of the Best in my books....Very few soaps and creams provide glide and protection that they claim...Wars Classic Shaving Cream is Special....

Get some...You wont look back...

I love my Ingram Quality Lather Shave and couldn't disagree with you more, Billy. Yep there's been quality issues with some watery tubes in the past but they still lathered up ok. I've used loads of this stuff over the last three years - more than any other shaving medium and if I could only have one shaving cream or soap, I'd pick this over everything. Every tube I've had since the issues were first reported have been fine and when I bought 7 tubes of the watery stuff, Lornamead apologised profusely and sent me ten replacements. Granted, I have to use more product than some other creams but nothing works so well for me and being high street available locally is a huge bonus plus it is made in the UK. British jobs.
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Thank you for your feedback. Certainly the pharmacy where I bought the tube of Ingrams said it was their best seller with most buying it.
I must admit that I am/was a die-in-the-wool TOBS man, but I am looking around now. Tried Trumpers many years ago but found TOBS better. Wilkinson's tub & their blades just turn me off!
There was a blade sold by ASDA which I think was made in Israel but that's disappeared.
Anyone have experience of Nivea cream in a tube?
Looking at your replies I can see 2 or 3 I must try out.
There was a blade sold by ASDA which I think was made in Israel but that's disappeared.
Them would have been Personna's. You can still find them if you root around, but there are certainly far better blades and at a cheaper price.

I loved my CF Lavender, but the other week bought a pot of ToBS version, I just want to see if the CF was worth 2.5 times the price. I will be using it soon so should have my answer then. T&H make good creams (their almond is slightly less sweet than the ToBS version - but if you like sweet almond and have a budget to keep to... Cella, all the way). The cheapest T&H cream is No 10, have a look around and you should get it for about £8 and that is seriously good value. Scent? Meh. YMMV.
I too had some very watery Ingrams cream but it lathered and performed well enough.
Then whilst on holiday in the Red Sea I came across a version of Ingrams cream at a very reasonable price, so not one for letting a bargain pass me by I bought some.
Upon opening and using for the first time I found this version to blue in colour and of a constancy that one would normally expect of a shaving cream.
Cant fault this stuff really, lovely creamy slick lather with a generous menthol hit.