Best online sites for products?!

There have been a lot of good recommendations already, and I pretty much concur with all of them. But what I've generally found is that if Connaught stocks an item, it's usually the cheapest I've found and delivery is fast (though I haven't used Nkdman, which I will add to my bookmarks - thanks!)
Some of the ones I have used:

And eBay for blades.
jb74 said:
Some of the ones I have used:

And eBay for blades.

Thanks for the mention, JB
That is some great info I didn't know about half of them, just had a quick look on and they are doing 100 of the Polsilver SI blades for £16.49 don't know about p&p but that seems very reasonable.
i agree it is always worth checking the 'Negatives' on an eBay sellers account but feel it is also pertinent to point out that in some instances negative feedback can be levied against a seller even though they have done absolutely nothing wrong.

We have just the one 'Neutral' feedback from a buyer who said that the BBR Shaving Cream Sample he had purchased from us was 'OK' but that was feedback on his opinion of the product and not the service provided.
I have only used 3 online sites, as I have only just started into the world of DE shaving (I had my first proper shave yesterday).

The Traditional Shaving Company have been a nightmare. I have just asked them to cancel my order, which I originally made on 31 Dec, so I can go elsewhere.

NKD Man was fantastic. Fast service & no problems, I'll be going there again!

Fido's brush is great & came on the same day as my NKD Man order.

I will also be looking at some of the other places that have been recommended.
So far I've used:

Nkd Man - yay for free delivery
Connaught Shaving
Rock Shaving - lower-price postage for blade-only orders, which is nice

Beauty @ Creightons - some great prices on RSC stuff, free del over £15 and they had a 50% off sale on at the time
Boots - for their shave cream/soap, which seems impossible to get in-store
Selfridges - bizarrely, cheap for TOBS (though with steep postage, but I was buying something else from there so seemed rude not to)
Nkd man is good, will be using them again in the future.

I use alot to get hairstyling stuff mainly but they do stock Bluebeard's Revenge for £2 quid less than RRP. They're pretty solid whenever I've used them.
Re: RE: Best online sites for products?!

DaveTheHead said:
I use traditional shaving company in Leeds. They ship to uk for free. Good range of stuff too.

Another recommendation from the traditional shaving company. Remember to use the TSR discount code too.
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