BBS for new D.E convert's

G'morning Proinsias !

I can honestly say that Cartridge shaving for me, did not present any problems. A clean shave every time, no soreness, nicks or discomfort of any kind that I can remember. The cartridges seem to last "for ever" between changes. and therefore expense was not a major consideration ! In fact shortly before I "converted" to DE shaving, I purchased a blade sharpener that is really supposed to work. There existed a possibility that 10 cartridges would probably have sufficed for approx. 6 months or more! The reasons I switched are boredom with the existing way of doing things, and the novelty of going back to "grass roots" but with basically much superior equipment, razors being the exception to a certain degree. For me, it's almost a complete lifesyle change, a pleasant thing to do, and no longer a chore!

Have a nice day everyone.

Well the WS Quatro gave me a good shave but also in growing hairs, and if I tried for a really smooth shave I ended up with a very sore face. If I shave on an evening I aim for as close a a shave as I can manage because then I look as 'clean shaven' the following day as I did after my in shower cartridge and goo shaves in the morning, actually probably more. I can do so with minimal irritation, no in grown hairs and a sense of achievement. I would agree though that I wouldn't strive for such a smooth shave at the expense of comfort, redness or so on.

For me blade choice is a much bigger issue than the level of closeness. I have a growing list of blades which I won't buy because they irritate me and it doesn't matter how many passes I do with them where as there are some blades which work well and I can do 3 passes plus touch ups J hooking or blade buffing and still have no burn.
The goal for me is an enjoyable shave, sometimes that is the mythical BBS on a weekend but even on the best of days if you try hard enough you will find a tiny rough patch. I switched to DE initially because I found continued usage of any cartridge gave me a neck rash no matter what I tried.

When I had limited strength/time to shave after an operation I enjoyed a cartridge (Sensor) shave as well, strange thing I found was that a cartridge shave with good soap brush and prep can give you a great shave. The enjoyment is the key for me, if I don't enjoy it I stop doing it. But I do take antdads point, all too often I see too many people on other forums talking of BBS as if that is the only goal they are aiming for every day and I think this is the wrong impression to give to any new guy; there are many other items to master like recognising the difference between lather and shaving grade lather.

I think most guys are driven to DE because of irritation or cost, aiming for BBS is only going to increase the irritation and have them thinking that things are worse than better with DE so I personally try to not use the term often. Having a nice looking smooth and irritation free skin free from shaving bumps is more important that being able to run my hand against the grain and feel no roughness. I recently discovered shaving talc and really enjoy this addition to my routine from time to time, especially when I have to wear a collar.
I remember asking my barber as a young man how I could prevent the constant outbreaks I used to get after shaving. He gave me a quizzical look,

"Why did I need to shave so closely?"

It was BBS or nothing. It took me two decades to understand what he mean't.
WTG , WTG (touch up/missed bit) and XTG with a slant - sorted and very close to BBS.


ps. is there anyone who's cartridge only gave them a few shaves? I can only get 3-4 shaves out of a sensor excel, and that's supposed to be sharper than most cartdiges. Also, that's WTG only. XTG or ATG with a cartridge, forget about it !
sonny said:
ps. is there anyone who's cartridge only gave them a few shaves? I can only get 3-4 shaves out of a sensor excel, and that's supposed to be sharper than most cartdiges. Also, that's WTG only. XTG or ATG with a cartridge, forget about it !

I found that The WS Quatro Titanium lasted about a month, however the 1st week was best, and Gillette Fusion lasted maybe 7 shaves tops.
As a newcomer to DE shaving I was amazed at my first shave last week - WTG, ATG which resulted in almost a BBS. I niavely thought this was what I was supposed to be aiming for with a DE. Not surprisingly after 2 further days of this my neck was a mess. I have now sat down and reread most of the instructional posts on here. I have spent a few minutes today mapping my face, amazed that what I thought was WTG from my jawline to top of neck is actually ATG! I am waiting 2 days for my neck to calm down before shaving again tomorrow but will not be trying for anywhere near as close!

I think this thread is an excellent reminder for all us newbies that BBS is not necessary every time.

Absolutely! With time you get to know when a shave is going particularly well and it's OK to go that extra mile with an extra pass or some aggressive touch-ups. A hurried morning shave is not usually the time, but even when you have all the time in the world and do all the right prep, your shave just doesn't feel quite right and you know that irritation will occur if you push things too far.
sonny said:
ps. is there anyone who's cartridge only gave them a few shaves? I can only get 3-4 shaves out of a sensor excel, and that's supposed to be sharper than most cartdiges.
Too flamin' right. I used to get a week out of my cartridges... until I found...

** RAZORPIT!!!!!! **

Still the best tool in a cartridge shaver's armoury, bar none. Well, apart from a decent brush and cream/soap. Razorpit quadrupled the life of my cartridges. BTW I'm not in anyway associated with the people who manufacture or market Razorpit, I just think it's one of those all too rare products that does exactly what it says it will do, like Head and Shoulders shampoo.

And it was writing about Razorpit on another forum that got me a recommendation to try DE shaving... and here I am, not looking back.
sonny said:
ps. is there anyone who's cartridge only gave them a few shaves? I can only get 3-4 shaves out of a sensor excel, and that's supposed to be sharper than most cartdiges. Also, that's WTG only. XTG or ATG with a cartridge, forget about it !

Before I switched to DE shaving, I used to get a month from my Fusion, partly because it said n the box (of 4/5) they should last about 4 months. Although I was only shaving when I had to, so a few times a week. Lots of irritation. Recently I've tried with M3 and can get 3 comfortable shaves before it feels uncomfortable to use. I think if I was to try the fusion again, it would be the same. 3/4 comfortable shaves, then the start of irritation. I would like to add, that in recent tries with a M3, I can get a better more conformable shave with the DE. When I first switched, I'd still use the M3 on the days I needed a reliable shave. Now DE all the way (until I get the straight out again).
sonny said:
ps. is there anyone who's cartridge only gave them a few shaves? I can only get 3-4 shaves out of a sensor excel, and that's supposed to be sharper than most cartdiges. Also, that's WTG only. XTG or ATG with a cartridge, forget about it !

I used to get 3 out of the M3 cartridges before the dragging became too much. So got into the routine of tossing them after the 3rd shave. Same with a DE blade (old habits and all that).

I found the Fusions rubbish from shave 1.

..Well said simmo, and as I can't remember welcoming you to the forum - a belated, but sincere welcome to you !


L.O. Cheese ! I lost count of how many shaves I used to get from my "fusion" blades, but it was loads!! I bought one of those Razorpit sharpeners, and round about the same time, started DE shaving. Needless to say, the Razorpit is still in it's box- as sent from " and still not used! :lol:
