BAND list?

Ok, first of all I am not the most tech savvy here. I was in the middle of trying to post a review on Fox's soap when it was having trouble loading. I opened up the forum in other browser (firefox) and tried to do it from there whilst still logged in on the first browser (chrome). Neither worked and every time I tried to access the site I kept getting a "could not load site" message.

After a while googling I found this thread here:

It says that accessing some sites through different computers or applications (which I take to mean broswers?) at the same time can put you on a "BAND list"?

I do not know how to do any of the router stuff, but did try accessing the site through a proxy and it worked fine.

I don't know if you can do this, but if I am on this list can I be removed?
I have never heard of this happening and I use different browsers on the same machine quite often for here. We certainly don't use a block list for active members
Boab said:
I have never heard of this happening and I use different browsers on the same machine quite often for here. We certainly don't use a block list for active members

Curious.... I definitely can't load the site on any browser without the proxy, and I've reset my computer a few times, cleared cache and did a "DNS flush" (I think).

The impression I got from the page I linked to is that it was an automatic thing at the server. If you've no idea about it then I'll try and find out how to do the MAC address thing suggested. If I'm not on in the next few days I've probably knackered it!

Wish me luck!
Yup - changing my MAC address worked, and was easier than I expected it to be!

Tall_Paul said:
I got banned once when I tried to post a comment from Alan Partridge regarding visiting Amsterdam. It was done automatically and was a wee bit embarrassing!

How did you sort it?
jaycey said:
How did you change your MAC address, I thought it is hard encoded into the NIC?

I don't know what that means, but I followed the instructions to "login to my router" and then went into the advanced options section. In there was a thing labelled DTPC (or something like that) and an option to set the MAC address and IP address. I cant find the page I used that had the details, but I think it was setting a static IP address as opposed to a dynamic one and I just changed one digit of my MAC address when doing so.

I'm already confusing myself so I'm sorry it's not clearer!
Glad you got it sorted, btw if we did use such a list it would be called a 'banned' list :p Just saying.
I get this occasionally on the forum I own, a particular IP address becomes associated with spam and the hosts firewall automatically black lists it. It's happened to the same member twice now, someone I know personally and both times I've had his IP added to the firewall white list to fix the problem.
Boab said:
Glad you got it sorted, btw if we did use such a list it would be called a 'banned' list :p Just saying.

Ha! I'd noticed that myself, but being fairly useless at web/tech stuff I thought that "BAND" might have been an acronym for something!

Midas said:
I get this occasionally on the forum I own, a particular IP address becomes associated with spam and the hosts firewall automatically black lists it. It's happened to the same member twice now, someone I know personally and both times I've had his IP added to the firewall white list to fix the problem.

I think that sounds like what the linked thread was talking about - being mistaken for spam because your logged in from two different browsers.
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