

Tuesday October 22, 2013

I thought it may be nice to put an avatar to my name but cant work out how to do it??? I have looked at the help files, and searched for similar posts but the all say something like..... go to UCP..... edit profile....click "change avatar".

I have looked in the User CP, but I cannot find anything refering to an Avatar!

I accept that I am being stupid, but can anyone put me straight?????


There isn't a library of avatars to choose from so you need to create your own and I think the size limit is 250x250 pixels. If you don't know how to resize an image post a link to an image you want to use and someone can resize it for you if I don't.

Thanks guys.... but this is where it is going wrong....

I am looking at the site on the main page and clicking on "UCP" right at the top. There is nothing mentioning avatars on the options that appear, but there is an "edit profile" option. If I click into this there is again no mention of anything to do with Avatars???

I cant believe I would miss it if its as easy as it sounds.... wonder if I am on an old version of Explorer and its causing issues or something like that????

I used to think I was reasonably inteligent until now.

Thanks again



OK I've got it!!!

Turns out that in my "settings" the site was set up as the "mobile" site! I have never seen the real one until now, but always the very basic blue one!!! Ha ha ha. I have been looking on here since 2013 and never twigged!

Soooo many more options etc now to go and play with!

Thanks again for your help.


Thanks jb74, but once I worked out how to view the "full" website and not the "mobile" site I found it!

It appears this option isnt available on my previous default setting!

All the best.

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