August Acquisitions

Received my Yaqi SE Gunmetal Razor Head from Aliexpress yesterday for about £7 inc. postage.

The finish and build is very impressive. I especially like the gunmetal appearance, certainly takes your eye.

Gave it a run this morning.
Paired it with my existing Yaqi handle which seemed to balance quite well.
The half DE blade is a little fiddly to load but aligned well and really no more difficult than many DE razors.
I used half a Gillette Rubie DE blade.

The massive blade gap made me wary of this razor but I found in practice that I soon found the angle and it did actually feel pretty smooth. There is a lot of audible feedback from this razor head; this would be due to flex of such a large blade exposure.
The razor has to be respected though as it can bite. I found this out after losing attention for a second while on my neck which led to a nick, but nothing serious.
It's very light to use and gives a tendency to whizz round the face a little too quickly which was probably the reason for today's nick.
Result was a nicely close shave and surprising smooth having seen the blade gap.

I usually do 3 passes with a DE and change the blade after 3 shaves which works out as 4.5 passes per edge. If I use this razor for 2 shaves that will be 6 passes per edge; so stretching the blade a bit more. I'll see how this works out tomorrow. It might be better to use a blade that I find only lasts a couple of shaves before blunting; like the Derby Premium and only use a half-blade for 1 shave (therefore 3 passes per edge).

Overall a fun razor to use. Definitely not for a beginner but, for the money, a great way of trying a half-blade razor (my first).
I think I would prefer a slightly less aggressive razor and not have to take so much care during the shave but still a worthy buy. Time will tell if it becomes one of my regular razors.

Paired with my existing Yaqi handle without blade.

Scary amount of blade exposure.
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Fun razor, isn't it?

Indeed, the noise is quite fun - not quite 1912 noisy, but gives a certain impression.

What I like about this is that the tabs are covered all but a tiny smidge that only the fingers can feel and move, and that the entire blade is protected by the head. Why, oh why didn't ROCNEL do that?