
I recieved my M7 absolute yesterday it is OK with a relatively low projection and lasting power. More bezoin than clear oud IMO.

I spoke to a few guys in India, apparently they apply a base oil and then these vials on top. They are already mixed in the vial but it just allows for grester projection. I have a large bottle of tuscan base oil from Amjal which is used as a carrier or base oil. Apparently the same carrier oil as TF oud. So I have been trying this under a layer of Jannat. It does project for longer and is more complex. Only issue is now buying base or carrier oils to match fragrances. Apparently sweet almond oil is a good carrier too so will try it later.
Come on, people? :D

Done properly, animalics are tempered by additional scents. Practically all perfumes (ones that are any good, anyway) have either civet or beaver stink in them.
Absolutely. I do find I run into a practical problem, however. There are many 'western' scents which use musk and I like many of them BUT I have difficulty getting a sufficiently small quantity of any of the musk attars into a blend so that the musk is not overpowering. I'm sure it would be fine if I were working in larger quantities but trying to get a fraction of a drop sorted out is tricky.

IIRC, almost all of the 'better' bases/fixatives are the products either of animal excretion or courtship.
Kouros Silver? Probably not ... it's a bit ... well, mild. Kouros proper, certainly. It's proper catty! Chanel Antaeus is all beaver bum. Don't forget whale sick (ambergris).

Paul - the order in which blends are built up seems to have an effect upon the initial radiance of particular smells. I blend on my wrist and it's musk on first, followed by florals, then woods. It seems to tamp down the heavier stuff that way, woods rounding everything out.
I used majmua and Turkish tobacco cologne today, slightly too sweet a blend, may try some old spice (white top) and Jannat tomorrow. By the way Burberry London has a strong apple and vetiver note that goes superbly well with Ajmal Spanish leather.
Today, the Postman brought me a vial of Darbar from PPG. Wow! Just wow! This is as exciting as Majmoua - it's a seriously interesting blend with all sorts going on: "Pleasing floral notes of Indian rose & Himalayan pine with a heart note built around hyacinth, pepper & cumin while the base culminates into strong oriental lingering fragrance of Cedarwood, agarwood & patchouli."

"Pepper & Cumin", Nishy :D

Majmoua was a special experience for me as it is made up of a number of attars that I simply have not smelled before (unless sniffing curious liqueur in The Viceroy of India counts); Darbar, equally special as that sort of never smelled before (in that combination). Absolutely lovely! I like Majmoua on a Sunday with a citrus frag and on Monday with a similar vibe. As the week progresses, I seem to get more and more spicy, so I can see this Darbar being a keen favourite on my wrists with Tabac liberally splashed everywhere else.

EDIT: Folks wishing to take advantage of Paul's excellently priced Nemat listing could add, say, Darbar & Shamama to their core purchase of Majmua and whatever else they fancy.
Haha! I thought you might ...

There are many differences between black musks out there - I have well over 10 "Black Musks" and a number of others of a similar theme: Musk al Ghazal, Rooh al Misk, Himalayan Musk, etc. Love 'em!

Although, today it's Darbar from PPG: "Pleasing floral notes of Indian rose & Himalayan pine with a heart note built around hyacinth, pepper & cumin while the base culminates into strong oriental lingering fragrance of Cedarwood, agarwood & patchouli." ... on the wrists and wipe up neck. Spritz of Puig Quorum across chest.
Today, the Postman brought me a vial of Darbar from PPG. Wow! Just wow! This is as exciting as Majmoua - it's a seriously interesting blend with all sorts going on: "Pleasing floral notes of Indian rose & Himalayan pine with a heart note built around hyacinth, pepper & cumin while the base culminates into strong oriental lingering fragrance of Cedarwood, agarwood & patchouli."

"Pepper & Cumin", Nishy :D

Majmoua was a special experience for me as it is made up of a number of attars that I simply have not smelled before (unless sniffing curious liqueur in The Viceroy of India counts); Darbar, equally special as that sort of never smelled before (in that combination). Absolutely lovely! I like Majmoua on a Sunday with a citrus frag and on Monday with a similar vibe. As the week progresses, I seem to get more and more spicy, so I can see this Darbar being a keen favourite on my wrists with Tabac liberally splashed everywhere else.

EDIT: Folks wishing to take advantage of Paul's excellently priced Nemat listing could add, say, Darbar & Shamama to their core purchase of Majmua and whatever else they fancy.
Thanks Paul, just read this will definitely grab a vial. Is the rose note as strong as in PPG's Egyptian Majmua?
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Just received the Darbar and Majmua myself ........ I think I may have gotten a little enthusiastic .......

The Darbar, for the first ten minutes, is giving me the same sweet, smooth chocolate that the Egyptian Amber gave me........ although there's a lot more going on than just that; I'm just hard put to say what, but it's definitely more than a one note pony

The Majmua, though ............ That's got a bloody party going on in there ....... Not helped by the fact that I thought 'I wonder? .....' three minutes after application and striped it over the top with some Al-Rehab Denhal Oud. I suppose I should have waited to see how the Majmua came out on its own...... But this smells gorgeous right now.
I surrendered to a long-felt want and bought a couple of Sultan Pasha attars off the bay, 'Ame Sombre' and 'Enigma Intense'. A bit more than I normally pay but what a superb scent the 'Ame Sombre' is! I haven't yet tried the 'Enigma'. 'Ame Sombre' must be the ultimate incense blend and it's a scent I love. If the ordinary blend smells and lasts like this, what must the Grade 1 be like? It's a delightful incense, resin, wood, oud concoction - as dark as the name suggests.

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