Asylum Rx is selling NOW

I might pull the trigger on one for my christmas present

Only if you promise to keep it in its lil box until Dec 24 ;)

Kinda annoyed I procrastinated past the price increase. I really like the v1.0 and if the v2.0 is even better.. I got mine at $199 and I consider that a decent value. I just cant justify a $399 price tag.
I spent entire days in front of the comp. to get mine and now you can pick one up at leisure.
It was well worth it though. Now every evening I take both the RX and the El-Jefe out of their boxes and play with them, eagerly anticipating my next shave.
What a fun hobby this is.
Now every evening I take both the RX and the El-Jefe out of their boxes and play with them, eagerly anticipating my next shave.
What a fun hobby this is.

Do you give the Jefe a slight Spanish accent when you play with them? :)

"'ola Senor Kypros I want to shave your face-o tomorrow!"

and the Asylum goes:

"No meee or I will keeell you!!! Muahahaaa!!!"
They both get their turn during the shave to the dismay of the Hawk which I have yet to give it a serious test drive.
You see I was waiting and waiting and waiting and they all came on the same day. I spent most of the morning running from post office to post office. They even gave me coffee at one of them.
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