
Finished this one a little while ago for Uncle Bertie, totally forgot to take and before or during shots though!!!! It wasn't in bad nick to be fair, just a chunk of plate missing just below the head and some corrosion and brassing to an area on the handle. I did remember to take some after pics though :)

I do love the standard of finish on these Aristocrats, so much more attention to detail than the more normal models, the doors are just so well finished, really makes the plating sparkle :)

Hippo has done a truly magnificent job, these are the "before" pictures.

I'm now the proud owner of a Hippo restored Aristocrat Jnr that I bought off Miles in the BST board.

I can certainly testify first hand to the quality of Hippo's work. Excellent stuff.
Thanks for all the lovely comments guys, much appreciated :)

This one was originally plated in rhodium, but now it's bright nickel.

Some of the Aristocrats were nickel rather than gold or rhodium I believe, I stand to be corrected though.
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