April Raffle

Well done Carl and congratulations Jim.

Thanks again Carl, the anon vendor and TSR, I dunno about a SOTD pic I may be too frightened to use it in case I drop it... but my curious nature being what it is will more than likely win the day. Still cant believe I won...

Thanks nishy, my first real open comb apart from the Razorock Jaws which I am sure is just a kitten compared to this.

(Not sure why the messaging still isn't working. No problem if I still owe you the £. Just let me know and I'll send it to you.)
Johnus has sent his fiver - for which many thanks - so if you look in your PayPal account BraveBlades, you'll find a £5 credit. The ticket didn't win, by the way!
Thanks guys, I am still a bit stunned actually, I probably wont believe it until rivers of blood run down my face Commiserations to the others who didn't win and good luck to all those who enter the May raffle.

Re: RE: April Raffle

Bechet45 said:
Johnus has sent his fiver - for which many thanks - so if you look in your PayPal account BraveBlades, you'll find a £5 credit. The ticket didn't win, by the way!
Received and thanks [WINKING FACE]