April 2021 Acquisitions

Yaqi katana head and yaqi 24mm 2 band badger have arrived today from @Boycie83 . Brush is already after one session of lathering to get rid of the smell - soon second round . Quite impressed with it already - my first badger brush , with how it lathers I definitely would put it right there with my currently used it yaqi synths and definitely above the boar (starting to quite dislike that brush, such a lather hog haha)
I will get them at one point ... just first will need to get some samples to make sure on the scents - haven’t had anything fougere scented yet. Rose one does sound quite interesting tbh!

I do have the Vetyver and Agrumes samples left!

I was about to make an order at Pasteurs but, thankfully for my wallet, they no longer ship to the UK.