Anyone using a Hone 15 DE razor?

Interesting side note, one of the lovely properties of brass is that it is oligodynamic, which I have heard is one of the reasons it was used for door handle and push plates in hospitals for a long time so it's naturally always clean, as it were.
Well, I've learned a new word today. So basically your razor is poisonous to bacteria.
Hi Rowlers and riverrun, Thank you for the kind offers. I'll send you PM. I'm also happy to help organise as needed. This should be fun

This should be really fun to watch and either riverrun or rowlers would be a great candidate to run the pass around in a separate thread.
I'm still out as with shipping time, cost, etc it's probably a lot easier to keep it all in the UK

Happy to have you over here Andrew and hopefully this pass around will provide some useful feedback on the razor - and maybe even cause a few purchases
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If it shaves as good as it looks, I'm a 100% purchase, this is ticking all the looks and weight boxes for me.

Really hope to be on the Pass around, but with shave quality I'll be happy to go with the judgement of some of the old masters of TSR.
All the above noted with interest, pleasure and gratitude to those who have got matters as far as they are. Would most certainly be honoured to have a couple of days in the company of such a thing.