Anyone ever had a bad pack of blades?


Been a fan of Astra SP for a few months and normally get great results with them, no cuts or nicks either. However this last week I've broken into another pack of 5, and 3 blades in having tried them in my usual slim and fatboy on same setting (3-4) and its like I'm a rank amateur again! Nicks everywhere and razor burn.

I've been using the same prep routine and same shave cream as normal too.

Is it possible that this pack is somehow from a duff batch? It was bought fr the same place as the others (shave shack or Connaught)
I've had that with 7 O'Clock Greens in the past. Someone suggested to me then (I think it was Chrisbell) to hand strop them before use. This certainly helped. I think sometimes bad batches slip through the QA checks.
It shouldn't happen there, but I suppose it's not impossible.
I've had a couple of draggy shaves over time but I guessed it must have been down to rushed prep and in any case it was different manufacturers to yours (Rapira once, a couple of bad Viet superthins). I can't say I've had a bad St Petersburg blade, Astra, 7 o'clocks etc are always good for me.
majortom said:
I've had that with 7 O'Clock Greens in the past. Someone suggested to me then (I think it was Chrisbell) to hand strop them before use. This certainly helped. I think sometimes bad batches slip through the QA checks.

'Twreen't me (I don't think), though I have mentioned palm stropping if, on the odd occasion, a blade feels rough after the first shave. If there was a blade which I always had to strop, I'd stop using them.
Re: (Rapira once, a couple of bad Viet superthins). I had the same problem with the Vietnam "orange package" ones. Bought a 100 pack. Think I've used ~5 . Just didn't like the shave they gave.
Exactly, the first pack I used really impressed me, and when I've tried other blades the Astra has been the benchmark against which others have been measured.

Could someone explain the palm stopping thing please?
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