Anyone any experience of CJB Kamisori razors?

Re: RE: Anyone any experience of CJB Kamisori razors?

markj113 said:
The proper feathers are about double the length of a DE blade + the proper blades have a set blade exposure depending if its a pro or super pro blade etc

yeah but i really wanted to try it and have no proper blades so i grabbed my snips out
the razor shaves very well, grip is good and much better than i expected

ive attached 2 photo's of it so you can have a look (thankfully i didn't get charged by customs)

not bad for something that costs about the same as a dovo shavvete and is a lot cheaper than a feather
nothing wrong with the macgyver approach, im the same haven't got any patience and when I get a new toy I got to play straight away lol.
markj113 said:
nothing wrong with the macgyver approach, im the same haven't got any patience and when I get a new toy I got to play straight away lol.

im quite impressed actually, will have to order some feather's now. not sure if i will use my shavvete as much now (maybe if im in a rush)

(i forgot to mention i ordered mine direct from korea, pm for website if your up for the challenge off ordering what you like in korean)

or play it safe and get it on the bay thanks to marks generosity here

Shanky, this will not give you a direct comparison to the Feather longer blade - your cut down version of a DE will give maybe 3 shaves whereas the longer blades last much longer. More importantly, you have no control over blade exposure which may not matter too much to you as an experienced shavette user, but anyone trying the same is likely to end up a bloody mess.
Dr Rick on here has just purchased a razor off me and stated he doesn't need the blade as he has lots.

Shanky887614 if you pm me your address ill send you his blade so you can have a proper go of the razor with the right blade :icon_razz:
Got mine this morning in time for my shave.
First thing i thought was how small it is , the finish to the plating has no imperfections that i can see and the rubber/plastic handle looks fine .
i have seen a feather RG in the flesh and apart from the handle the plating looks exactly the same.
All in all for the being under a third of the price of the RG these have got to be a super bargain

Never used a straight or one of these before so bought some proguards (in the belief i would be safe).
First thing i found when i was all prepped up and ready to go was i had not got a clue how to hold the razor to my face (watched countless videos)but still didnt realise how hard it was to get my hand in the mirror to put the blade where i wanted on my face.
Anyway after a bit of trial and error managed to do a single pass wtg , loads of blood but suprisingly after some cold water and alum it stopped and i could not see any nicks.
Didnt want to risk another pass as i'm off to the pub tonight and didnt want to look too scabby so finished with my de.
Not going to risk using it in the morning before work , but cant wait till next weekend to have another go , took the blade out and i am practicing the angles on my face at the moment.


The first rule with feather blades -

DO NOT USE ANY PRESSURE - let the weight of the razor do the work, also keep the angle low, start flat on your face and raise it up about 20 - 30 degrees.

try not to use the weight off the razor or you might end up with razor burn.

i hold mine in a fist with thumb along bottom.
markj113 said:
shanky have you had a try with the feather super pro i sent you yet?

Did you notice any improvements?

ive just tried it and what can i say.

its the best shave i have ever had, the feather blades are just superb in this razor, i could have gotten away with a single wtg pass it mows down that much.

the blades are shamfered on both ends so you can use the shoulder to shave even closer on your neck with less stretching

it looks almost identical on the inside to the feather dx

have a look at this vid and you will be sold.

mark you are a bad man, im not sure how often i will be using my straight razors now:icon_mrgreen:
Great vid, same one as I show in my ebay listing to show how good they shave lol -
I can get a one pass super smooth shave from a Feather DX loaded with a Feather Pro blade with three days growth, I can also get a super smooth shave with a traditional straight razor with three days growth but not with a single pass, those Feather Pro blades are fantastic, with up to 15 shaves from one blade.


i wont ever get rid of my straights but it makes a very good razor to add to my rotation and its better than a real feather for traveling.

at under £35 would you mind if it got lost or left on holiday?