
Er... 'pubic shaving time'?!
mattyb240 said:
I'm a bad sweater, I use perspirex which is a roll on. Without exaggeration I just don't sweat from pits any more it's amazing.

smegal said:
Perspirex, it'll change your life!

I may have to try this. Does it cause skin irritation at all and does it stain or build up residue on your clothes over time?
Re: RE: Anti-perspirant

It can hurt the first time you use it, or if you don't follow the instructions (your skin has to be bone dry when you apply it). But it us worth it. I used to sweat a lot (sweat patches on shirts etc) now I barely sweat, and I only apply it every few weeks.

You apply it at night so there's no residue on clothes.

No residue at all, you apply at night only downside is the chemically smell.

It can cause irritation if you have broken skin, some people find it itchy the first few times they use it. Once you've applied it a few times you just need to apply it about every three days or so.
Re: RE: Anti-perspirant

Nicked said:
I may have to invest in some perspirex then, as trying to find the Razorock Alum sticks over here is hard work.

Thanks for the input.

Holland and Barratt have alum deodorant. However, perspirex is amazing.
The Holland and Barrett one looks very similar to the one I mentioned from Amazon and similar price, too. The Amazon one is £5.25 posted (but there might be a£10 min spend to get free delivery).

Never heard of Perspirex...will look it up. Sounds serious stuff...especially as the summer's on it's way. Presumably the 3 days protection still applies despite showering every day ??


Did no one tell you about this unspoken code of conduct when you applied for membership of TSR ? Best study the small print for some of the more extreme practises you shall be expected to adopt ...

JohnnyO. :icon_rolleyes:/.
I thought there was s pecial time of the year.

Hey every day is pubic shaving day in our house...

I find that a quick roll of Driclor the night before, washed off in the morning works well for a week or 2 depending on weather, then just any antiperspirant daily.

Be warned, it will cause irritation if applied to excess skin, rolled on too much. I seem to also get insomnia from it which I believe is also a possible side effect?

Works great and can live with it stops the pits getting moist.

On a foot note, used some menthol last week, not a good idea on the spuds as frozen and uncomfortable for hours after the shave. Not had to use alum but imagine the sting would be pretty bad.
I usually for for the right guard. However, what with my soap going on in starting to look to more chemical free options. Lush do a nice deodorant, but it makes my armpits sore after a few days. I'm going to try looking into a home
Made one that is a bit less stingy soon.
If sweaty i just wipe down with a piece of tissue, I try and avoid anti perspirants especially those that claim to last longer than 24 hours. Apart from that I believe that blocking pores on the pits is not a good idea (IMO)
I've still got a box full of Trumpers GST deoderant a lot of us bought, still like it but goes over the top of a neutral sniffing anti persp.