Android Contract phone

I am due an upgrade very soon and I want to stick with Android. I use my phone mainly for browsing this wonderful forum with Tapatalk, internet, text messages, calls and music. I don't really bother with gaming or photos much.
I have an HTC Desire HD which was fairly high end when new two-ish years ago. I'd like something with an easily replaceable, long life battery. At the moment the Samsung Galaxy S3 seems to fit the bill as it does everything I could need well but it seems like there is a lot of gimmicky stuff on there which isn't quite finished?
I pretty much ruled out the Sony Xperia P as it has internal-only memory. Same for HTC One X. But recently I'm starting to think removable storage might not be necessary once all the music and videos have been copied over (somehow?). I think you can tell I'm confused! The HTC One X looks like the UI and the way it has been thought out would be better than the S3 but appears to suffer from the same poor battery life my current phone does.

I'm flexible about network and want to spend no more than £30 a month for the contract and (preferably) no/very low up-front fee for the phone is possible.

I thought I would find it easier to get a new phone than this! Open to other suggestions for phones if they are mid to high end Android.

Lastly, how easily can I transfer my contacts, email, text message history (if possible) and files if it doesn't have removable storage?
There is a serious problem with the One X. The battery is not removable, so if like me you used to carry a spare battery with you, then the One X will cause you a problem. I bought the One X before I discovered this and really wish I hadn't as the battery life is comparable to my old HTC Desire, which isn't enough.

I think I would be looking at the Samsung Galaxy S3 if it were me choosing at the moment.
I upgraded from a HTC Desire which I really liked a few months back. In fact I didnt know my contract was up til they started charging me data feeds.

I went for the Samsung Galaxy 2 which I got for free on the upgrade (the S3 had just come out so would have cost) and am really pleased with it.

Like LTB I like a phone where I can have carry a spare battery with me if Im out all day so I can use the phone as intended without worrying about running out of battery. Thats one of the reasons I went with the samsung rather than the HTC One or an Iphone which are sealed units. The Samsung S2 had good reviews comparable with the Iphone and HTC anyway so the battery issue swayed it for me.

The S2 screen and phone as a whole is a big jump up from the desire size and the S3 is bigger still. But from personal experience I reckon if the Galaxy S3 is as good or better than the Galaxy S2 it will be a decent choice. Thats coming from someone who disliked pre Android Samsung phones.
I've got an HTC One X and it's great, bought a 5600mah external battery pack thing which has just about 2 full charges in it and cost £17.99 - it almost charges my Nexus as well as having a good go at our lass' iPad. I'd thoroughly recommend the phone and it's getting Jelly Bean soon.
If using your laptop on the move matters anything to you, try to get a tariff that includes 'unlimited internet'. The biggest feature my S2 has had over my previous iPhone is that I can tether. T-Mobile have let me get away with using and abusing this throughout the contract (16 months in now) without a word or a charge. Dead useful for working on the train, in cafes, when away visiting the pre-internet age folks etc.
Galaxy 2, proven and stable operating system, big screen, and free on about 20 quids worth of contract with O2, I think you might do well to get an s3 for nothing.
Battery life is up to two days on light use or 24 hours or so on heavy usage. Games kill it quicker than that.
The One X had enough space for me and while I was concerned about battery life I've had no problems just sticking it on the charger nightly. I don't do a lot of gaming on it or anything, though, just net stuff, GTD and kindle.

I bought it before the s3 hit but wouldn't revise that decision - it feels better in the hand, looks better IMO, and I like the interface better than my old Samsung. If I did have battery life concerns I'd rather be plugging in an external pack now and again for a while than disembowelling the phone regularly anyway.

Getting content on to the phone is easy - connect up to a computer by USB and drag and drop like a flash drive :).
The One X looks almost exactly the same as my Desire HD. The HD has a 4.3" screen and I think the One X has 4.8". My wife will have the HD and I think we would pick each other's phones up quite a lot.
I am leaning towards the S3 at the moment.
Another shout out for the Samsung S2, I've it a few months now after moving away from apple and it's fantastic. I chose the S2 over the S3 because it was smaller and cheaper line rental.
There is also the one x+ launching soon. Identical phone but with 64gb memory, a 1.7ghz, improved from 1.5 and apparently a bigger battery. Bit annoying that they are already releasing it but hey.
do not buy the one x

the one x+ is out very soon

i got the galaxy because of replaceable batterylife.

the gimicks are there but are not opened unless you wont to.

you could always do what i did and install a cfw anyway.

i recomend you buy a good case if you go for gs3 a friend kf mine dropped his and screen cracked.

ive dropped mine loads of times in an otterbox defender

(spare batteries are £20 direct from samsung)
you should get at least 2 days from it

have a look at gsmania they battrty test all the latest phones and post the results on there website
Thanks Shanky. Those cases look the business but £30 is quite a lot (cheapest I found delivered). I know it's a tenth the price of a new phone and you get the stand and screen protector built in, though. Is there anything for about half that price that's worth considering? Lots of cheap Hong Kong imports out there flooding the market. They could charge £15 for a £3 case and I wouldn't know any better.
NotTheStig said:
Thanks Shanky. Those cases look the business but £30 is quite a lot (cheapest I found delivered). I know it's a tenth the price of a new phone and you get the stand and screen protector built in, though. Is there anything for about half that price that's worth considering? Lots of cheap Hong Kong imports out there flooding the market. They could charge £15 for a £3 case and I wouldn't know any better.

ive dropped my phone in that case directly on concrete and work and its fine

i got mine from clove.

make sure to get at least a cheap silicon even if you dont care if you drop it

the phone case is very slippery.

if you do decide to go for the otterbox it will outlive your phone and still look good.

boss has had one he has used everyday for 5 years or so

what kind of a case are you looking for?

impact protection or just scratch protection?
Impact mainly as I intended to use a screen protector. Obviously the Otterbox has one built in. My friend tells me has used an Incipio case on his iPhone 4S and it has been very good. They're about £11 delivered on fleabay. What do you/everyone think of them? Do they have screen protection built in?
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