And now for something completely different!!!!

Green Ammo by Madame Shi. Made in France.
If any of you are looking for that Super Macho kick, this could be the answer.
Green Ammo comes in a camouflage green metal munitions canister to which the designers have added some chrome chains to give it a touch of S & M.
But it gets better.
The bottle is a glass hand grenade. To me it harks back to Avon's halcyon days when they had TV adverts that went Bing! Bong! and packaged their after shave in novelty bottles in the shape of pipes and vintage cars. Anyone else remember or even had any of those bottles?
The big question, of course, is 'What does it smell like?'.
Well, bearing in mind it's as synthetic as a Simon Cowell number one record it's actually not too bad. I would describe it as a sort of minty grapefruit. I've worn it to work a couple of times and no-one has made any negative comments or started speaking to me in French so I guess that's a good sign. Needless to say Mrs H, who is a Guerlain gal absolutely hates it, but you can't win them all.
I found it in 'Savers' the value chemist for a mere £1.99 - the canister and bottle are worth that!
Some research on the net has shown it's RRP is £17, so I may have bagged a bargain.
It sure loks like something I could buy... and for such a price it surely must be a steal. Women have no idea how a proper AS should smell, so I´m very much inclined to agree with you on that point, too. I´m only surprised by the fact that it was France who came up with this chick package, but then again Charles D would have liked it, too. Kudos to you for taking the bullet on this one, but now we can all buy with confidence, thank you Sir!
Now, if they just filled it with something like Brut Original or Quorum ................. That could be the hardest A/S on the market ! & yes, in the seventies I was once given an Avon aftershave in the shape of a bulldog's head (we had two bulldogs at one time).

JohnnyO. :cool:
Dandy Highwayman said:
I've worn it to work a couple of times and no-one has made any negative comments or started speaking to me in French so I guess that's a good sign.
Ah mon ami, c'est la ton problème :p Faudrait quand meme y penser ;) J'ai jamais vu cette apres rasage ici, ca doit être des trucs qu'on exporte au rossbeef pour leur ego...

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