American Politics - from a liberal commie

As an observer this is a fairly fascinating area at the moment. The Conservative/Liberal divide seems to be getting wider and more acrimonious as Obama tries to stimulate the economy, deal with Afghanistan/Iraq fallout and reform a frightening system of health-care provision. If you read any forum with a large US membership you may have noticed this. These are serious issues, but the entertainment provided by some of the US news networks is, well, quite mad. Google for video clips of Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh. Actually some of it is scary, Glenn Beck in particular. But it also restores some of my faith in the quality of TV news in the UK (Esp the BBC and Channel 4). It has also helped me to think better of British politicians, both at Westminster and the Norn Iron Assembly.

Jon Stewart and the Daily Show (on the More4 channel here in the UK I think) offer some entertaining comment on the strange behaviour of politicians and Fox News personalities. Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann are two (openly liberal) commentators who provide reasonably informed analysis of political stories. Their shows are available as video at the MSNBC website or as free podcasts.

I studied US politics and govt at university and am a bit sad that it was not as interesting then as it is now :lol: Damn it I may have been interseted enough to do a PhD :lol: .
I have taken an interest in American politics since the 50s. My daughter lived in New York and now Dallas..During my last visit I was asked about my view of American foreign policy - first time anyone had asked me a direct question like that at a social function out there. I must say I love the openness and warmth of the people I have met on my visits. Such a contrast with people in the UK. We truly are much more reserved and need to know a lot more about a person before we reveal ourselves. We are all good people on both sides of the Atlantic. Just show it in different ways.
I really do hope Obama makes a difference. He has a tough time ahead.

I'm presently reading Dead Certain - a biography of George Bush by Robert Draper. And I have just finished watching the complete series of the Wire. My son in law was a New York Police before retiring at 43 through injury during an arrest. Now has a mansion in Texas and a new life. It's an ill wind......

Not from a liberal commie - just a typical voter hoping one day for an honest political outfit he can vote for with confidence - likely to be waiting a long time.
Why does nobody ever have the courage to stand up and state what we all know?
That the whole world is in jeopardy from a CIA - backed secret cabal of Homosexual Jewish Communist conspiracy theorists who are protected by their allies in Opus Dei and Al-Qaeda, and who are out to both take over this country and destroy it at the same time - that's how clever they are!
They have also infiltrated the NHS - I know for a fact that they are interfering with my medication.
And for your own good never disparage an idiot - remember they run this world.
SirPrize said:
Why does nobody ever have the courage to stand up and state what we all know?
That the whole world is in jeopardy from a CIA - backed secret cabal of Homosexual Jewish Communist conspiracy theorists who are protected by their allies in Opus Dei and Al-Qaeda, and who are out to both take over this country and destroy it at the same time - that's how clever they are!
They have also infiltrated the NHS - I know for a fact that they are interfering with my medication.
And for your own good never disparage an idiot - remember they run this world.

We may laugh, but who can prove Anthony is wrong......................................

Are you still taking the big purple capsules? I thought they were helping you? :lol:
I listened to an item on Radio 4 this morning in which the reporter recounted a conversation with an American pawnbroker who specialises in guns. This fella, who may well frequent a certain US based shaving forum, now I come to think of it, believes that Obama is a dyed-in-the-wool Marxist, that his country is being stolen from him, and that, absent an electoral defeat for the president, he has a duty to take up arms in defence of liberty and The American Way. He cites Jefferson: ""The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants" in support. Ye gods. The reporter pointed out that this quote is now associated with Timothy McVeigh - he had it on a t-shirt.
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