Am I doing something wrong? Stubble sharpness ..

Since I switched to Merkur 38c a few months back from my initial Wilkinson sword ‘trapdoor’ opening cheapy I have noticed that my stubble (after 24 hrs, tend to shave every 36) is sharp enough to etch glass, it really is like sandpaper.

I don’t shave every 24hrs as there isn’t that much to ‘go at’, is this a characteristic of the razor? Certain blades are more noticeable than others, am I doing something wrong?

Would a different razor help?
It's not the razor.
I suspect It's a case of defining your technique with the 38C.
Have you tried 'riding the cap"? Adjusting the angle a little can have a big effect on the closeness of the cut.
That particular Merkur is the long handled variant of the 34C, making it quite a heavy lump. This can sometimes make the user fearful of adding pressure while in use - in turn not shaving close?. This could also be a factor.
Maybe using a shorter/lighter handle could give you more control?
From memory, I got good shaves from a 38C using Voskhod and Astra Green & Blue blades.
It's not the razor.
I suspect It's a case of defining your technique with the 38C.
Have you tried 'riding the cap"? Adjusting the angle a little can have a big effect on the closeness of the cut.
That particular Merkur is the long handled variant of the 34C, making it quite a heavy lump. This can sometimes make the user fearful of adding pressure while in use - in turn not shaving close?. This could also be a factor.
Maybe using a shorter/lighter handle could give you more control?
From memory, I got good shaves from a 38C using Voskhod and Astra Green & Blue blades.
I get good shaves for sure, especially with GSB, Feather and Shark Stainless (and derby premium), it’s just that the slightest stubble when it returns is brutal. Maybe a lighter razor would help… I’ve tried riding the cap but the razor shaves better for me on a more open angle. Thanks for the tips.
I get good shaves for sure, especially with GSB, Feather and Shark Stainless (and derby premium), it’s just that the slightest stubble when it returns is brutal. Maybe a lighter razor would help… I’ve tried riding the cap but the razor shaves better for me on a more open angle. Thanks for the tips.
It could be that the perceived good finish isn't quite as even as you thought?
Sometimes a quick XTG pass (after your ATG pass) in those 'troublesome' areas can eliminate the rough re-growth.
One of the reasons i made a return to DE after decades of carts / electric is that i have upper-neck and under-chin stubble that would regularly bobble up and trash the inside of shirt and jacket collars. There is no real solution IMO, but you can try moisturisers to try to soften it a little until the next shave.

DE shaving doesn't fix it, but it makes it go away for longer. I have found that I can shave it closer by careful skin-stretching whilst shaving and going slowly so the blade doesn't skip over it. Have tried an adjustable razor opened fully, but careful skin stretching is more effective for this in my experience.

Repeated passes just aggravate the skin.
It seems to me that you are talking about the sharp cut of the end of the hairs which will grow back regardless of how well you shave. I would say its not something you can fix with technique or blades. It's because proper shaving cuts your stubble cleanly leaving 'edges' as opposed to an electric razor which shreds the stubble, giving you softer stubble because its a tattered pile of split ends (like a broken in boar brush) if you look at it under a microscope.
One of the reasons i made a return to DE after decades of carts / electric is that i have upper-neck and under-chin stubble that would regularly bobble up and trash the inside of shirt and jacket collars. There is no real solution IMO, but you can try moisturisers to try to soften it a little until the next shave.

DE shaving doesn't fix it, but it makes it go away for longer. I have found that I can shave it closer by careful skin-stretching whilst shaving and going slowly so the blade doesn't skip over it. Have tried an adjustable razor opened fully, but careful skin stretching is more effective for this in my experience.

Repeated passes just aggravate the skin.
Thank you, I will give this ago, I was wondered whether a more efficient razor may be the way to go but I’ll try this. Keen to avoid aggravating my skin which is kind of why I asked so appreciate Your input.
It could be that the perceived good finish isn't quite as even as you thought?
Sometimes a quick XTG pass (after your ATG pass) in those 'troublesome' areas can eliminate the rough re-growth.
I already wtg, xtg, atg, I could go a reverse ctg but want to avoid risk of skin irritation
It seems to me that you are talking about the sharp cut of the end of the hairs which will grow back regardless of how well you shave. I would say its not something you can fix with technique or blades. It's because proper shaving cuts your stubble cleanly leaving 'edges' as opposed to an electric razor which shreds the stubble, giving you softer stubble because its a tattered pile of split ends (like a broken in boar brush) if you look at it under a microscope.
This could well be the case, maybe the 38 Is cutting cleaner that my cheapy starter Wilkinson and previous decades of Gillette fashion razors.
It seems to me that you are talking about the sharp cut of the end of the hairs which will grow back regardless of how well you shave. I would say its not something you can fix with technique or blades. It's because proper shaving cuts your stubble cleanly leaving 'edges' as opposed to an electric razor which shreds the stubble, giving you softer stubble because its a tattered pile of split ends (like a broken in boar brush) if you look at it under a microscope.
I think you describe the situation perfectly. When I started proper shaving I initially thought that it had made my beard tougher - no, it just felt like it for the reasons you describe. - I.
Shaving every day was a drag for me, especially when active in the Army and reserves, so glad I can just be a total bum now and shave two times a week, no more getting jailed or given extra duties / show parades for forgetting to shave....
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