
We're all mongrels. I'm just a pale one.

As for racial purity: it's the pedigree show dogs who are in-bred and suffer for it. I'm the son of a non-EU immigrant and all the better for it.

Anyway, I'll impose a 20 min ban for my language while I go and get some lunch.
I tend to agree with Ian,

If perchance we have a black or Pakistani chap reading this forum deciding whether to register what does the acceptance of such usage say about this place?

The 2 terms are pejorative in their general use, to such an extent that I think that the context when their usage is acceptable is hugely limited and for me that example isn't one.

Its nothing about purity of race, ethnicity, origin etc its about which terms are socially acceptable and which aren't.
Ian and Grant seem like reasonable chaps and if they think my language is out of order then I'm happy to concede and apologise.

No offence was intended but these are inherently offensive terms and even in jest they may still sting.

So: my unreserved apologies.

I won't revisit and edit, or it will make nonsense of the subsequent posts but suffice to say I accept the rebuke.
I thought that was all rather intelligently resolved: good show everyone.

Ollie, have you got your alum block problem sorted yet? If not and you don't mind a second hand biohazard, you can have mine (I'll sand the bloodstains off). Serious offer: I'm the better for not using it for a while.
Thanks Andy, no, still looking for an alum block. Been reduced to using ice-cubes, rocks of crack cocaine, quartz paperweights and off-cuts of lard.

My den looks like Liam Gallagher's dressing room, only with books.

You got my address?
Rev-O said:

Anyone here got a nice little Asian shop near them that sells alum blocks cheaply? If so, could you get me a couple and I'll pay for them + postage.


Hi Ollie!

There is a seller on ebay, username: brilliant-shine. His shop is called Absolute Hair Care. I purchased the Osma brand Alum block from him recently. Price was £6.20! Or were you thinking of spending far less?

Nice one Sonny.

The sad fact is that I *am* a racist.


I wish I wasn't and it's something I'm working on but I just prefer people like me. Maybe we all do.

Most of my friends are white guys of the same age and background.

My wife is much more colour-blind and inclusive - she has all sorts of friends, but I am too judgemental and narrow.

But like I said: I know it and I'm working on it.
My obituary: "Here Lies A Kind Racist"

Hmm. I think I'd rather be remembered for being equally and impartially unkind. But even more than that for being a child of God and a brother to all men.

The former is the gift of God; the latter is my job.
Just a quick Q?

What makes one brand of Alum better than another? Why is Trumper better than OSMA and Osma better than a no-name one from an ethnic food store? Just wondering. Myself I use Osma as that was what was available to me when setting up.