Allergic reaction

haz_c said:

I am interested in some samples. When will you have them up on the Buy/Sell/Trade section?



Hey buddy. I sold out a while ago. Only thing I have left for sale is some Gucci Envy for men EDT
If the almond cream is Trumper's that is giving you trouble Fido then AT ALL COSTS AVOID THEIR BLOODY VIOLET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Strewth, I thought I would have to have plastic surgery after using that one, and it was only a free sample I tried too. Bloody toxic colourants touch wood, it is the only one I have ever had any reaction to.
henkverhaar said:
Most likely the almond scent is based on benzaldehyde. With some benzyl alcohol and/or benzoic acid derivatives., which can be allergenic.

Absolutely. Some scented creams and soaps might contain substances that while provide a great scent, they might hurt your skin.
Seems I have found an almond cream I'm not allergic to. A pot of Coates Original Almond arrived with my replacement Jagger Chatsworth (of the severed head)
Tried it this evening. No reaction. And it also contains Benzaldehyde. Curious.
Very odd, perhaps there is something else in it that is causing the reaction or indeed just the quantity of it in the recipe. Thankfully so far not had any reaction to any shaving creams or soaps, doesn't sound as if was a stellar performer that it is worth persevering with, you can achieve the same results with one of the many alternatives.

Given your reaction I think even I'd be reluctant to try it again.
I have the same type of reaction to the Body Shop maca root shave cream. I get a burning, warm, red rash, especially on the cheeks and under the eyes, lasting for hours. Their maca root aftershave balm does the same. The face wash however doesn't.

Shame, because it's a good shave.