all change then

hello fellow shave fans .. not been on B&B for ages and suddenly The emails fly and a new shaving forum UK style is up with all sorts of mayhem having gone on ! ... whats the gossip then and who started it?
There's a few threads that would explain things further. The 'banned from B&B' thread is in the general forum. Take a look and see what you make of it all! :D
Not that interesting Andy...a group buy and decant/sample club was organised using a banned vendor, encouraged/overlooked by the Social Group moderator and that's it.
antdad said:
Not that interesting Andy...a group buy and decant/sample club was organised using a banned vendor, encouraged/overlooked by the Social Group moderator and that's it.

The major crime of the century happens and it gets written off as 'and that's it'? I love the understatement antdad (no caps) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

We were lucky SWAT teams didn't arrive at the homes of CONUK members in search of contraband purchased from Paul
PaulH said:
The major crime of the century happens and it gets written off as 'and that's it'? I love the understatement antdad (no caps) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

We were lucky SWAT teams didn't arrive at the homes of CONUK members in search of contraband purchased from Paul

It really wasn't that big a deal but their reaction certainly was.
philamac said:
Slightly on topic I think......watching Team America - World Police, really is making me laugh; 'Tim Robbins - F.A.G.'

Matt Damon. I love that movie, "America, F@#k Yeah!

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