Ahh, Violets!

When I bought my EJ DE89 just over a week ago, those lovely people at the Traditional Shaving Company sent me a sample of Geo F Trumpers Violets shave cream. I wanted to get familiar with the razor before trying it out so waited until this weekend.

I opened the pot and realised just how tiny it was. 1g apparently, I thought I'd be lucky to get one shave from it! How wrong I was. I got 3, 3 pass shaves from that little pot. 3 really, really nice shaves. This stuff is super slick, noticeably less drag than anything else I've tried (not that that list is long mind) and cushioning, less sting from the alum after too. The sent was certainly floral, not unpleasant at all.

Think I may need to get me some of this next time I'm looking out for some cream. :)
I've got a few of those little pots but have held off using them so far because I have no idea what to do with them :rolleyes:
Did you stick a digit in and scoop a little out and dab it on a brush or what?
elverdiblanco said:
I've got a few of those little pots but have held off using them so far because I have no idea what to do with them :rolleyes:
Did you stick a digit in and scoop a little out and dab it on a brush or what?

I dabbed my (wet) brush in it.. Didn't need much of it, I was very surprised at how far it went. You could use a digit to scoop some out and on to your brush though, I guess that would be a more controlled way of doing it.
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