Against the grain?

New Forest, England.
Shave with the beard, never against the grain. So says G F Trumper, and many others. This seems rather dogmatic to me.
I complete my shave with a gentle against the grain pass and get no adverse effects. Others may experience some problems. Surely it's for each of us to find out for ourselves the value or otherwise of shaving against the grain, taking great care, of course.
I never even considered which direction I was shaving in until I started DE shaving. Now I do three passes - with the grain, across the grain, and finally against the grain. I have to go against the grain to achieve BBS, and BBS is the reason I shave.
The "no shaving ATG" dogma is just part of the starter package of advice offered to newcomers that usually come to DE shaving with issues.
Once technique, results and confidence have improved shavers can then move on to adding an ATG pass, some can't or shouldn't because of the density and courseness of their beards, it's not for everyone.
My normal, workday shave involves only a small amount of ATG just below my bottom lip. The rest is usually WTG and ATG, and good enough.

I'll sometimes go ATG if I want a totally smooth, billiard ball face, but not very often.

I have to be a bit careful about this. Some areas I can and do shave against the grain as a matter of course, but there are bits which get very irritated if I try it more than once a week. Similarly, some products produce a reaction if I use them too often. In general I can get away with anything on an occasional basis, but if I was to shave close every day with P.160 and a Feather, I'd know all about it.
cheese_dave said:
I have to go against the grain to achieve BBS, and BBS is the reason I shave.

Although not my main reason for shaving, BBS is certainly something I strive for with each and every shave, and that requires ATG - not always achievable, especially on my neck, but a great feeling (literally) when it happens. Otherwise it just feels like a job half-done.

The only downside to BBS, for me at least, is that takes longer for my stubble to grow back; hence a longer wait for the next shave. :(
IanM said:
My normal, workday shave involves only a small amount of ATG just below my bottom lip. The rest is usually WTG and ATG, and good enough.

I'll sometimes go ATG if I want a totally smooth, billiard ball face, but not very often.


Same here - if i'm going out somewhere at the weekend I'll have a really close shave, sometimes with diagonal passes to further remove hair prior to going against the grain. During the week I do a downward pass then two different side to side passes.
"I never even considered which direction I was shaving in until I started DE shaving. Now I do three passes - with the grain, across the grain, and finally against the grain. I have to go against the grain to achieve BBS, and BBS is the reason I shave."


"but if I was to shave close every day with P.160 and a Feather, I'd know all about it."

Sometimes I do my cheeks and jaw ATG with a DE.

But I think the advice not to go ATG is meant for cartridge users. Think about it, a quick slap on of aerosol foamy then straight to an ATG with a Mach3 :shock:
Even straight razor users tend to do a couple of passes...a single pass shave is not something to aspire to, it won't necessarily be faster and I doubt your results will be better than a quick two pass shave.
hando said:
i resigned my self to the fact that my face won't take an ATG pass so if i want a closer shave i add a XTG pass after my normal 2 WTG

Why not?

I thought this too, until I kind of fixed it.

too much burn?
beard too strong?
you get little nicks, especially on the cheeks?
ATG is tough for me, especially under the nose and on my neck. Although only DE shaving for a couple of months (though shaving for many years) and only tried a few different blades so far with some to go, it seems to me that, assuming the technique is good, finding the right, consistent blade that you can have confidence in is a key factor. Yes? No? Maybe?
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