Advice on 2nd Sampler Pack

Hi everyone. I just received a customized sampler pack of new blades consisting of:
Personna - Platinum,
Polsilver-Super Iridium,
Wilkinson- Sword (German), Crystal,
Voskhod-Telfon, and

I'm currently using an EJ DE89 and this my second sampler pack. Lately I've been leaning more towards Astra although Feather has been very good too.

Any suggestions on the order I should try?

Thanks for the advice!
Try the polsilver first, if you get on with that, stop trying.

If you don't, try the personna. If you get on with that, stop trying.

If you don't, try the Astra, if you don't get on with that, p.m me and I'll send you some Rapira's.

Tried the Polsilver during this morning's shave. Probably the smoothest shave I've had yet. Seems a great match for my EJ DE89L. I think I've found a winner!
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