Acquisitions Mon. 23rd - Sun. 29th incl.

dodgy said:
N_Architect said:
Indeed it is a bit of a splurge but that Tuckaway for example it is such a fine razor, just a beauty (and mind you these are not collectors grades or truly mint ones).
The Schick was a decision to try one, as I've always heard very good words about them but had never actually tried one myself.

All in all I think that for a number of reasons (practicality, convenience, travel for work, etc.) it is wise to use a variety of razors, and switching comfortably from DE to straight etc. is fine and can make life not boring at all actually. :)

Hi there,

Yeah, those Tuckaway (and some various other similar head versions) are nice looking razors. Good weight to those, although I can't remember what the balance is like. Sadly, they have just a tad too much bite for me to use comfortably, which is a shame since the shave is closer than usual. The New Deluxe head is even more aggressive, such as what you'll find on the Norfolk. I'll just mention I'm in the minority when it comes to not caring for the Tuckaway shave all that much. Yeah. most people really like the things.

That particular injector is an extremely popular type which doesn't fit me at all. Those early E and G types feel like they're set on a solid 7-8 on the Gillette scale, My magic # is 4 so you can see the problem here. That's not to say either or both won't be fine for you, but I'm just mentioning they're not gonna feel like a Tech.....heh. I refer to those injectors as little bloodsucking vampire razors. Wide gap and no weight, which takes a little getting used to. Yeah, you gotta bear down sometimes to keep that blade on your face.

Far as me collecting things goes, I'm usually able to sell many of my razors when the time comes. Sure, there's some I never use that I can't let go of, but those are unusual ones of some kind. I run across razors fairly often and normally I won't hang onto em very long. Even exotics like that Tuckaway are no problem for me to sell or trade. it's not like I'm ever gonna shave with the thing anyway, so luckily I don't usually bond with them.......heh.

Now when I find a razor in really nice condition......well that's a totally different story. I have a few beautiful razors that give me horrible shaves that I just cannot sell. Yeah, I could get some cash for a couple, but that sellers remorse is relentless and neverending. So in that way, I'd guess I could be a collector of sorts.

I don't look for missing pieces to complete a boxed set, nor am I willing to pay anywhere close to retail prices. Well, I did that once, but it was a perfect storm sorta of those reasons being I was nuts at the time. Part of the fun about what I've collec.....acquired over the years is the prices paid for each. Finding unusual items in the wild for a fraction of true worth does add a bit more kick to the story that goes with the piece. Steve may know what that's like.....heh.

Anyway, I hope those two razors end up being a good fit,


Here's a few pics of a sorta unusual New Deluxe Norfork Chromium plated set from 1936 that I sold a few years ago. Sparkled like crazy, but always tried taking a chunk outta my face. The guy I sold it to has it in his regular rotation.


Thanks for the very interesting comments. Will try all razors in due course, admit I was a bit surprised to hear the New Deluxe is an even more aggressive head and that the E and G types are like a #7-8 on the Gillette adjustable scale. Balance-wise the Tuckaway and the New Standard appear to be very good, certainly better than my New Improved yellow gold tone (the one that came out in those 'red black box' versions) for example.

That chrome plated Norfolk looked very nice.

N_Architect said:

Thanks for the very interesting comments. Will try all razors in due course, admit I was a bit surprised to hear the New Deluxe is an even more aggressive head and that the E and G types are like a #7-8 on the Gillette adjustable scale. Balance-wise the Tuckaway and the New Standard appear to be very good, certainly better than my New Improved yellow gold tone (the one that came out in those 'red black box' versions) for example.

That chrome plated Norfolk looked very nice.


Hi there,

Yeah, I started my injector journey years ago with a G type, and for me it was the wrong choice. Not knowing anything about these types of razors, I sorta figured the rough ride would quit after a while and it would be smooth sailing. After a couple weeks of gruesome shaves I put that thing away and said the hell with injectors. Wasn't till months later that I ran into an newer model and gave that one a try.

The difference was like night and day, and from there I tried a bunch more injector/blade combos. Ended up using that type of razor for six months straight, which stopped almost five years ago when I first tried a DE razor. I still use my Schick L and M types in my rotation, and they give me a close and comfortable shave. Plus, there's nothing like an injector for shaving my neck whiskers, which seem to have a crop circle like pattern to em.....heh.

The bearing down thing is gonna feel weird to you at first, and it's a new variable to learn. Won't take long to figure things out I'm sure. If I wasn't using a DE as my go to razor, it would certainly be an injector for daily use.

Far as that NEW Deluxe head goes, I was surprised myself to find it had waaaaay to much bite for me. Tuckaways and many other OC types are no problem for me, although I don't use em much because they aren't the best fit. That Norfolk though......whew momma. Heh, as I said earlier, the member who bought that just loves the thing.

Today I came home to find not one, but two wee parcels had been delivered by Padraig Post - some Gillette Bleue Extras from Audiolab, and a nicely tidied up Gillette Slim adjustable (M3) back from Frenchblades's restoration workshop (powered by highly trained Elves, some say ;) ).

The slim is in good working order, and has been beautifully cleaned up by Max. It's my birthyear razor, and while it is not in showroom condition, it is in good nick for it's age (my wife would say it carries it's age better than I do).

I am much looking forward to pairing these two acquisitions up for tonight's shave, so please shower me with your best suggestions as to how I should approach the process, used as I am to my Edwin Jagger de89. Head angle, adjustment setting etc.

Gingerpose said:
Today I came home to find not one, but two wee parcels had been delivered by Padraig Post - some Gillette Bleue Extras from Audiolab, and a nicely tidied up Gillette Slim adjustable (M3) back from Frenchblades's restoration workshop (powered by highly trained Elves, some say ;) ).

The slim is in good working order, and has been beautifully cleaned up by Max. It's my birthyear razor, and while it is not in showroom condition, it is in good nick for it's age (my wife would say it carries it's age better than I do).

I am much looking forward to pairing these two acquisitions up for tonight's shave, so please shower me with your best suggestions as to how I should approach the process, used as I am to my Edwin Jagger de89. Head angle, adjustment setting etc.


A good place to start is generally around three or four. I must say I find the EJ pretty mild so you may want to start a little lower on the scale. Angle is pretty similar.
Gingerpose said:
....a nicely tidied up Gillette Slim adjustable (M3) back from Frenchblades's restoration workshop (powered by highly trained Elves, some say ;) ).

The slim is in good working order, and has been beautifully cleaned up by Max. It's my birthyear razor, and while it is not in showroom condition, it is in good nick for it's age (my wife would say it carries it's age better than I do).
Shhhh!!! I told you not to talk about the elves, I'm paying them on the black, so don't get me in trouble :D
Glad you like it, yours was the third razor (that wasn't mine) I cleaned up, it went quite well ;)

Glad you like it!

I've not used the EJ, though I am toying with asking for one for my birthday (which is in August), but I am a huge fan of the slim. I find it noticebly milder than my 34c, especially on the lower settings; however, I'll defer to Yellow Jim's greater knowledge and go along with his sugestion of going with 3 or 4 initialy. I've heard some trying it on 1, though I find that, set that low, it barely cuts. Then again, I have quite heavy growth; as always, it's a case of YMMV.
chrisbell said:
I've not used the EJ, though I am toying with asking for one for my birthday (which is in August), but I am a huge fan of the slim. I find it noticebly milder than my 34c, especially on the lower settings; however, I'll defer to Yellow Jim's greater knowledge and go along with his sugestion of going with 3 or 4 initialy. I've heard some trying it on 1, though I find that, set that low, it barely cuts. Then again, I have quite heavy growth; as always, it's a case of YMMV.

Chris, I've been using the HD for the last few weeks and swapped over to the EJ yesterday. I've only had a handful of shaves with the EJ since I've had it so it may be a case of finding the optimal angle or blade but so far I'm finding it just far too mild. With the HD or a lot of my other razors I can get a two pass shave that I'm happy with but I think the EJ will take three or four passes. I'm going to give it a proper run out for a week or so but if I'm still not feeling it I can send it on to you to try out if you like?
Gingerpose said:
I am much looking forward to pairing these two acquisitions up for tonight's shave, so please shower me with your best suggestions as to how I should approach the process, used as I am to my Edwin Jagger de89. Head angle, adjustment setting etc.


Hi there,

Having used both those razors I can tell you they don't necessarily shave the same. I'm not talking about the amount of bite, since the Slim can be adjusted to about the same as the EJ(around the #4-5 setting) has. No, I mean the razor itself may feel different because of the way the blade's presented to your face.

In any case, make sure you give yourself enough time to figure any out technique tweaking the slim might need. Try a couple different blades in the Slim as well.

Yellow Jim said:
chrisbell said:
Chris, I've been using the HD for the last few weeks and swapped over to the EJ yesterday. I've only had a handful of shaves with the EJ since I've had it so it may be a case of finding the optimal angle or blade but so far I'm finding it just far too mild.

Hi there,

In a case like this I'd recommend trying a Feather blade if you haven't already. Personally, I prefer a mild razor matched with a very sharp blade like an Iridium or Feather, which provides plenty of comfort but can still be very effective.

What an absolutely splendid day.

9:30 at work three parcels dropped onto my desk

- a Trumper's sample pack ordered Saturday (which I haven't opened to reduce temptation)

- the New Forest Tubby 2 I ordered Sunday (thanks Fido!)

- a welcome package from kev..., who PMed me out of the blue for my address over the weekend and has sent me some Vitos Supercrema, a Vulfix 404 mix, some Gillette Yellows and Jewel Super Stainless (THANKS Kev!)

Then I got home and found the parcel from IanM that the post office swallowed 8 days ago has been coughed up on my doorstep :D

- Taylor's lemon and lime shave cream, RSC shave^2 cream, Proraso soft soap, a Palmolive stick, shark super chrome and super stainless, lord platinum, gillete yellows, and a gillette slim-twist with an orange handle.

It's Christmas!

Not using any of this until I finish assessing whether my technique has settled is going to be a difficult task, and I'll probably fail. If I get a good shave without significant bloodletting again tonight - this time with the brand-new blade I put in last night - I shall consider that to be a "pass" and start playing, I think.

I am a happy happy man.
I've opened the Trumpers pack now. I want you to know that it was IanM's fault. He's on IRC leading me astray right now, the pottery-enthusiast tempter that he is.


Shave cream in limes, sandalwood, almond, rose, coconut oil, and GFT.

Skin food in coral and limes.

Cologne/EdT in limes, sandalwood, skye, eau de quinine, gft, marlborough, and eucris.

Nice smell on opening pack and glorious one on opening bubblewrap around the cologne samples.
Dr Rick said:
I've opened the Trumpers pack now. I want you to know that it was IanM's fault. He's on IRC leading me astray right now, the pottery-enthusiast tempter that he is.


Shave cream in limes, sandalwood, almond, rose, coconut oil, and GFT.

Skin food in coral and limes.

Cologne/EdT in limes, sandalwood, skye, eau de quinine, gft, marlborough, and eucris.

Nice smell on opening pack and glorious one on opening bubblewrap around the cologne samples.

It's ALWAYS somebody else's fault!

Some straights to work on.

One Crown & Sword 'Hermes' (assuming the scales and blade are meant to be together) Needs new scales and the blade has been heavily honed but still some life there. The blade is in pretty good condition and I suspect will polish up well.
The one with the heavily marked blade just says Best Quality Silver Steel, I suspect it will clean up OK on inspection the corrosion doesn't seem too deep.

And a Gold Dollar to play about with
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