Acquisitions Mon 19th Jul to Sun 25th Jul incl.



38p for each Sputnik pack
70p for the Rubies

And also a Body Shop 200ml Baca Root sc, approx 14.50 quid (is it cheaper in the UK?)
Been into town today to check the Sunday market,was jack shit there but went it Boots,they are selling Lynx shower gel's for £1 each,got two bottles - Rise which smells abit like pineapple and Thai Massage which i thought smells abit like cola cubes,really like the Thai Massage one
..'Evening all :)

I took delivery yesterday morning, via the postman, of one brush I had ordered via Amazon website. Ordered it late Thursday evening - not a bad response is it ? Recorded delivery too! The brush cost £9.95, p&p £3.05. Even so, I wish it had been sent standard 1st class, would have saved a quid, and still arrived Tues./Wed !

Anyway, the brush is a Vie - long Horse hair, with a shiny dark brown handle, looks nice! Does any one have a similar item ? It will be awhile before I can get round to trying it out so I was wondering what results other members are having with this brush ? I guess I've strayed off topic, so I'll go over to the brushes forum and make enquiries there.

spandex.. :D
Arrived Saturday but didn't have time to post pics.


a bargain from Connaught for £12.90


From Steve Woodhead Potteries off ebay - £12 plus £3 p&p. This is a fantastic bowl that makes amazing lather easily due to the raised spiral in the bottom and rings around the inside :cool:
guyhayton said:
I absolutely LOVE that bowl.... well done Sir

Steve's lather bowls are great.

  • I have one but it sounds/feels like it has a bigger crack than a 25 stone plumber trying to peer down a bidet.
    • Not that I know what that would look (or feel) like from experience (... or from fantasy!)![/list:u][/list:u]
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