Acquisitions - March 2024

Luckily for me I was accepted onto the Amazon Vine programme earlier in the year, no idea why, I had reviewed a few items here and there so it came out of the blue. I get free stuff off Amazon and I review it. A lot of the stuff is stuff I'd never buy, like phone cases, charging leads, etc but occasionally a decent product turns up. Yesterday this came on. Basically it's Barbasol, or similar. Perfect for cleaning my Razors and it is a huge bottle, better than that, it was free.
Blown away by this. Shubs saw my post about having acquired some new non-tallow Tabac and said he knew of a source that had a couple of old tallowate Tabac bowls and offered to pick one up for me. I gratefully accepted, and look what turned up just now! @donnie_arko my friend you are too generous! I only expected a Tabac! The Mogno is a fantastic gift, I've had that before and it is a really good shave soap. Looking forward to trying these out! Thanks again Shubs, a true gent!