Acquisitions - December 2021

Wasn't aware of this, sorry to read it.

May I ask where it's made? Should say on the label somewhere... I'm wondering if there's simply a production/logistics issue as many other Pashana products are also out of stock.
Really? I can find literally everything else they make readily available. What else is there? It's hair tonics and shampoos.

Official website at has gone, or rather it's up for sale. "Made in UK" on the bottle, with BT20 3JH as the postcode, so Bangor. is still kicking around, so maybe just dropped the pro line and focussing on mere accessories now, although under the Jack Dean > Hair Tonics, you now find the other Pashana tonics like Portugal and Quinine, but now with "moisturising macadamia oil" ... so, another set of products ruined. Pinaud Eau de Quinine and Portugal are much nicer than Pashana's so no rush on that one.

So, yes, looks like Pashana is gone. All of it, just the slower-moving products are still generally available from stock slushing around.
Having quit smoking 3 weeks ago here's a naff photo of some of the unnecessary stuff I've bought. Obscured by the RazoRock Hulk is an Irisch Moos EDT (i like it very much)

View attachment 82262

Great job on stopping smoking. The first few weeks are the hardest and it's better after those weeks, but good luck avoiding the smokes from here on my friend.
Cheers mate,

now busy spanking my fag funds on shaving stuff...
After 10 years ciggy-free this is still my go-to justification for any "frivolous" spend. 40 a day at £5+ a packet back then (and it would be a lot higher now) so while I still anguish over big spends, it's actually my wife supporting my cheap razor/brush/soap acquisitions. Also, my fireworks. Which reminds me. Happy New Year - off to set fire to some non-nicotine products!
Thanks Shubs,

First 3 days were a hell of time. After that, however, it has been surprisingly easy. Hope things are good with you? Happy New Year
I've been packed in about sixteen years, I was a heavy smoker. I went to a stop smoking clinic for help, the nurse there told me cravings were all in threes... 3 hours, 3 days, 3 weeks and 3 months, I was dubious but for me she was bang on. The advice was just keep it in mind and bite the bullet and the cravings will go.
Good luck with it, it was one of the hardest things I've done
Have to agree with the threes as I have started and stopped loads of times, I knew if I could get to day four that was the hard part over.
Smoke free now for over seven years.
I'd only had a quick look but yes, damn... Seems you're right
I’ve been stopped just over 20 years , was 60 a day at the peak , I tried cold turkey and nicotine patches , no good for me , I couldn’t do it , then they put me on a course , at the end of it I was prescribed Zyban .
I started taking it , after about a week I woke up one morning and went to light up , I lit a cigarette then thought to myself , you know what I don’t want this and stubbed it out .
Never had a cigarette since .
When you smell a smoker , I think to myself , I used to smell like that , it’s a horrible smell they carry on their clothes.