Acquisitions 27th May-2 Jun

Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish with muslin cloth

From Germany, for £1.50 each - Nivea mild and Wilkinson Sword creams
From Hungary, for 80p each - Barbon and Figaro creams (Caolo)
Made a cheeky request too my Mum about a Simpsons Hive brush for my birthday. Thanks too Mark at Simpsons for sorting her out. Looking forward to giving it some use.

For me:
- Trumper's Spanish Leather cream: My favourite shave cream scent so I always buy a new tube when I get low. Really want Trumper to produce it in tub form.
- TOBS Shave Shop cream: I've spent the best part of a month trying to decide what should be my first TOBS cream. The lack of handy sample pack meant I had various TOBS creams in online baskets before changing my mind but went with Shave Shop in the end due to it apparently being Citrusy and the warmer weather arriving.

For others:
- Kent BLK2 brush (Stepfather): For upcoming father's day. After I got into DE I gave him some samples to sniff and he loved the DR Harris Windsor scent. I suggested to my mum that she get him Windsor Cologne + cream tub for Xmas. He's drained the cologne but still using Gillette blue goo because "I haven't got a brush" (he tells my mum). I'm going to buy myself a BK8 so I'll try the BK2 to see how Kents feel. Hopefully he'll start using his Windsor cream!
- DR Harris Malborough soap in bowl (other half's father): He uses a cartridge but uses a brush and soap and appreciates a good shave. He just rubs the brush on a bar of imperial leather though and that gets on my nerves. I tried it myself with Shield soap (because I love the scent) but it left my face bone dry - as expected. I showed him my Harris Arlington soap bowl last week and he really liked it so figuring he'd prefer woody scents I got him the same but Marlborough scent. One of my prouder purchases because he's hard to please but I know he'll really appreciate that and it means I can keep plying him with top-up pucks in the future so he never goes near hand soaps again!
Dr Dulcamara said:
Interesting. Martin's eyes are bulging from their sockets. Mine too.

I hate to say it, but that razor is mildly fascinating. Thanks for showing that thing to me.......missed it the first time.

Very nice addition to the arsenal Paul (said in my most compassionate talking to a crazy person voice).
dodgy said:
I hate to say it, but that razor is mildly fascinating. Thanks for showing that thing to me.......missed it the first time.

Very nice addition to the arsenal Paul (said in my most compassionate talking to a crazy person voice).

It's all part of the 'Mikey conspiracy', Mart.

Soon you'll be honing and stropping like a good un.

We both know this will come to pass. :D
Ha ha. Sure I can.

I'll tell you my secret. I drink them with ice. What's in the bottle of Formula K is not aftershave. Is peppermint liqueur. And in the bottle of Metilsol there is gin. It is a joke, of course.
A couple of tasty German razors turned up the other day.

Firstly an unnamed roller guard type which I've been unable to identify. If anyone knows anything about this, please let me know.


Secondly A NOS Mulcuto Diamon slant, which I've been after for quite some time.

Jamies said:
A couple of tasty German razors turned up the other day.

Firstly an unnamed roller guard type which I've been unable to identify. If anyone knows anything about this, please let me know.


Secondly A NOS Mulcuto Diamon slant, which I've been after for quite some time.


You don't half find all the cool toys! Very sweet! :)

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