Acquisitions 27th May-2 Jun

NotTheStig said:
Hope you're enjoying the new job. Love the looks of the last two.

Thanks mate, it's certainly keeping me busy.

The Sabi T1 handle is really very good, I definitely echo the comments about the knurling being 'prickly' but in a good way. It's very solid and heavy and well worth the money.

The head on the one I've received is pretty good too, there was a very slight burr on the edge of the guard bar, but a quick once over with one of my wife's nail buffing sponges sorted that. It's got a fair bit of bite to it, not ridiculous but it ain't a Jagger or a Weber.

dodgy said:
Bonjour buddy,

Good to see the crazy is still going strong in you........heh. Some beautiful razors in that group, especially that Leresche.....whew.

Great additions to the shaving arsenal,


Hi buddy and thanks. Yeah I can't seem to shake it.... oh well just run with it I guess.

You know me and French fancies... If I remember right don't you have one, or had use of one via benefactor Bobs lending library! Looks like one of those vampire like old types, but shaves so much smoother, maybe a 6.5 on the usual scale but with no fear of blood letting.

A couple of German beauties turned up today, but I've not had chance to give them a once over yet, so I'll post em up asap.
Jamies said:
Bonjour buddy,

Great additions to the shaving arsenal,


Hi buddy and thanks. Yeah I can't seem to shake it.... oh well just run with it I guess.

You know me and French fancies... If I remember right don't you have one, or had use of one via benefactor Bobs lending library! Looks like one of those vampire like old types, but shaves so much smoother, maybe a 6.5 on the usual scale but with no fear of

blood letting.


Well, I know you're a French Floozy that what you mean? Heh, could be worse I guess.

Couple years back there was a time when I spent time on those other bidding sites and ended up buying some pretty unusual razors for a little while. Man, talk about another bottomless rabbit hole. Merde!

Bob was nice enough to lend me one of those Leresche types, plus he sent out to test drive that crazy looking one (#74?) that you somehow ended up with......

Only Frenchies I got left is a Le Coq and a Kirby.


Oh, say hi to that saucy Bouhin for me.
The Cadet head should fit Merkur handles as they take long threads, even if they are primarily used with a short thread head. That's because some Merkur handles are hollow.

I come across this morning, whilst browsing

This looks to me to be a rebranded version of the Cadet razor, if anyone else was looking to buy, it may save a couple of quid.


£12.90 delivered (I just bought one)
The second Stahly of the week arrived yesterday, along with a £24 customs and RM charge, I didn't plan on buying two but I placed bids on both and went to bed. Then to wake up to two invoices! :blush:
I've finally taken the T&H plunge, went for the 1805 and a sample pack, I probably should have tried the Grafton as its the only cream omitted from the sample pack, I should learn to read things more carefully. On first sniff of the 1805, it reminds me of TOBS St James collection Luxury shave cream, very similar.



That Stahly looks to be in good nick. Shame about the damn charges!

Cheers Micheal but those charges are a killer, turns a decent price into an expensive one, and there seems to be no structure to them. I paid $10 more for this Stahly but the customs charge was £8 more expensive than the last!?
It is needs a wee clean but other than that it looks good, I can't wait to test drive it but I have too many on loan to get through first so I can get them back to their rightful owners. The progress is looking likely to be added to the collection too, as well as a #21 Aristo. :-/

Dave.B said:
Trumpers X3 saw it pop up on ebay the other day and couldn't decide if i wanted another brush so decided if it was still there after a few hours i'd get it and it was i know it says best hair but it looks and feels like finest to me...

When Simpson made brushes for Trumpers they labelled their (sometimes 2-band) Super as Best and their Best as Super to differentiate between company product lines. Great find.

I used it this morning and was shocked at how good it was, lathered up a treat no problems,smells great and I had a rather pleasant shave:icon_razz:
For a quid it really is punching above its weight!!