Acquisitions 27th May-2 Jun

My Merkur Progress arrived today.
Very impressed by the quality. The size, weight and balance seem excellent. Don't even mind the plastic knob. My only criticism (bearing in mind I haven't shaved with it yet) is that the numbers are very difficult to see... might even think about picking them out with enamel paint.
Tall_Paul said:
On the plus side, my Kai Excelia has arrived.

On the minus side, the delivery website tells me that Customs have collared it so I am expecting a bastard huge bill.

That's a bummer. Mind you, still a heap cheaper than if you's purchased it here.

Looking forward to hearing what you think of it and how you get on with it


I've been charged £26 all in which, considering I was expecting it to be £40, I'm quite pleased about!

As you say, that still means I've saved more than half on the UK price of £400!!

I shall post pics and a review when it turns up.
Re: RE: Acquisitions 27th May-2 Jun

I'm going to enamel the numbers and the markers on the head, with the same paint I used on my red tips when I get the chance.

Thats the only thing I don't like about the Progress. My 2nd shave with it was on 6 (back round to 1), it shaved like a fatip, I was expecting it to still be on 3, nice shave though!

Wow, 6 on a Progress is brave!

I think you'll have problems painting the actual numbers, the recess of the numbers is very shallow and so difficult to fill-in and may easily wear off.
However, painting the dot is very easy, fairly deep indentation and just requires a blob of paint. It helps to quickly find which way to hold the razor before turning the dial (you'll see what I mean when you start using it).
There were some forums threads about painting the Progress.
fancontroller said:
I chose a Cadet instead of a Sabi because all the handles are nice and there seem to be more reports of the poor quality of the Sabi head (closed-comb) than the Cadet head (open-comb)

Yeah i've heard about the Sabi head has quality issues, it's only the T2 handle i'm interested in.

The best of both world would be if shaveabuck would sell a Cadet OC head with Sabi T2 handle, i'd rather have that combo than a head i'm not going to use!

i'll give it a go, i think Mer paints them on his Mergress's. I plan on doing it the same way they paint stamping on guns in the US.

blob of enamel over all the numbers, leave about 15 mins, then a light wipe with white spirit and repeat until all the numbers are full. It will be great if the paint stays.

The shave on 6 was a bit of a shock when i checked it after the shave! i normally shave with a FaTip so i'm used to a close shave, lol.
Trumpers X3 saw it pop up on ebay the other day and couldn't decide if i wanted another brush so decided if it was still there after a few hours i'd get it and it was i know it says best hair but it looks and feels like finest to me...


Here custom configurators:
Expert mode (mine was configured here)
Trumpers X3 saw it pop up on ebay the other day and couldn't decide if i wanted another brush so decided if it was still there after a few hours i'd get it and it was i know it says best hair but it looks and feels like finest to me...

Gravy said:
blob of enamel over all the numbers, leave about 15 mins, then a light wipe with white spirit and repeat until all the numbers are full. It will be great if the paint stays.

That's sort of what I was thinking... paint stays in the identations but wipes off the flat surface. Enamel paint is pretty tough stuff so should be OK when it dries.
I'd be interested in how you get on. I was wondering about maybe a blob of red paint on the dot and black on the numbers
I've just received a Cadet OC TP-02SS razor
It feels and shaves much like a Fatip Piccolo, maybe not quite as aggressive, the cap is slightly wider than the Piccolo, so less blade exposure.

Thought I'd post a few pictures of it with other razors for comparison if anyone's interested.

"Cadet" etched into the end of the handle, which is nice.

Here compared between the Fatip Piccolo and the EJ DE89L

You can see how ridiculously long the bolt is on the cap, twice the length of the DE89. It's actually quite boring screwing the handle on, so now I take even longer in the bathroom!
Also see the Cadet handle side by side with the Weber. Not that much difference. The Weber is slightly heavier and better finished but the Cadet sure does give it a run for its money.

The thread of the Cadet is the same as most other razors, which is an improvement on the Fatip which is not quite the same. Because the bolt on the Cadet is so long, the Weber handle won't fit the Cadet head, it stops a few millimetres short of the head. I make take a hacksaw the the bolt to shorten it.
If you're only interesting in the Cadet handle though it will fit other heads no problem.

Pretty good for $25 USD, the postage to UK is a killer though at $13 USD.

sounds good, i've only got matt wine enamel paint, so it will look kind of like this vintage progress i found on google when done. Unless i get some more paint.

I found the enamel just wiped straight off the numbers. They are a sort of brushed yet shiny steel finish. I'm not too hot with this sort of thing though.