Acquisitions, 1st October to 31st October 2015

A PAL Injecto-matic razor from eBay. Cleaned up like new, not a scratch on it. Not bad for less than £4.

Also separately came my twin injector blades all the way from Japan via eBay. I've been wanted to see what these are like for a while now. They're not going to be used in the PAL as I don't think they're compatible but I'll give them a go in my Schick Dial Adjustable.


Please let us know what you think of these twin blades..
I know been trawling eBay for a while and looking for 'buy now' razors. The best bit is the guy selling cancelled the first sale and refunded me as he felt he over charged shipping and relisted saving me £2!!
Back from holiday, received deferred delivery. UK version of G- Bar. Ever Ready Natural Angle [ C Bar ! ] Natural Angle. Seems to have had little use.
Case in good nick.
Gilt Finish.

Back from holiday, received deferred delivery. UK version of G- Bar. Ever Ready Natural Angle [ C Bar ! ] Natural Angle. Seems to have had little use.
Case in good nick.

That's the exact razor and case I got a while back, even down to the marks on the inside of the box lid.
Excellent shave with it, slightly on the mild side but can easily perform with any condition of blade, brand new or used a few times. A real joy to use.
BTW: Those blade boxes. They look nice and shiney in your photo. Mine were dull and tacky but I used some turps and it removed whatever layer of paint/gunk was coating it to reveal shiny gold coloured paint. Look great now and use one as my blade safe between shaves/razors.
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