Acquisitions, 1st October to 31st October 2015

Just received the first (of many no doubt) DE shaving kit. For the first time in my life i am actually looking forward to shaving later on, going to watch some more youtube videos first. I can see this shaving malarkey becoming a part time hobby rather than the necessity i classed shaving as. Already have a 'wish list' which the better half has taken on board (badger hair brush and some different soaps, pre and post-shave creams/lotions) not to mention several months of different blades to try to see whats right, unless i get lucky and fine one in the samples that works like a charm in which case it will be building a stockpile of those ones. Oh, who am i kidding, course i am going to be trying a load of different ones. The razor is a Muhle R89 and the small Proraso tub is some pre-shave cream. Will add some musings on the experience later on once i soak up some more knowledge. Btw, any suggestion on what blade to try first gratefully received (maybe another thread rather than possibly side-tracking this one.


Go with astra. Remember prep is a key and NO PRESSURE I REPEAT NO PRESSURE (razor on face)
Astra or 7 O'clock Green. Prep is everything - apart from the other things you'll do wrong, anyway - soft, wet beard, slather on the Proraso pre, lovely thick lather and shave with attention. not trepidation, at the right angle (play around under your ears to find the angle) and do not press the razor to your skin. Skin stretched. Good luck and enjoy!
astras are a great all rounder-enjoy =)