A smile a day

Oh dear, this was the first thread I clicked on today.

Just looking for a more sinister Avatar like Antdads.

Come to think of it Andy, you have just reminded me of something.

When I was a teenager I rather fancied a girl who walked past my office window each day. One day I said to the fellow who sat opposite: "Frank, she smiled at me!" Old Frank replied, quick as a flash:
"It was all she could do to stop laughing"

I did in the end get to know he and went out with her for a while. Wonder what she's doing now.

Now how about this:

Pig Cat said:
I think that's Sir Prize on one of his regular nights out.


The AntonChrist!

Stalking Pimlico in a silk scarf, making disapproving noises at grammatical faux pas and sartorial solecisms . . . .

You have been warned!
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