A real ivory Kent brush.

cubert said:
If the heat becomes too much I have a nice shelf here :) I'll put it alongside the tiger testicles and rhino horn.

I've got one tiger's testicle, and am on the lookout for another to make a pair. Better post in the bst.
it is a truly cracking brush peter, and i do take your point about us humans being hypocrites..... the other half of the brush came from a badger!

human law seems to say we can kill animals to our heart's content, until they get scarce, then it is a hideous crime!

yes i love my steak too (as long as it's from a sustainable source) ;)

if guilt sets in, i would love that brush, i can pm my address, its clearly illegal to sell it to me :)

I've cracked. I just shouldn't have left it here by my computer:


I've been thinking. The brush was made in 1919. It got a new knot much later. So the handle must have been well used. The knot is still unused. But I have no particular wish to preserve a new "old" knot. So I've decided I may as well bring the brush into use again - this weekend perhaps. I'll post pics of the brush once it's been in action. Everyone's entitled to change their mind.
Nice find petter it will be interesting to hear how well it performs. I know its forbidden fruit so to Speek but it does look very nice,look forward to brush,code name "MR X" proformance ;-) wink wink nudge nudge.
Well I finally got round to using the brush. Four shaves with it so far. Two with Palmolive soap and two with creams - Coates and Arlington. The brush has a 22mm knot with a loft of 53mm. The fan shape means the brush splays quite a lot when lathering with circular motions so I settled for mostly using swift but light to and fro painting motions, something I'm tending to do with most of my brushes. A bit floppy, but really not much as there is still a decent enough backbone. Tips are soft silvertip with no scritchiness dry or wet. The brush holds a lot of water and produced more than enough lather very effectively. The density was just right to ensure very satisfactory release of lather. All in all, a luxurious shaving experience. I'm pleased I used it and I will continue to do so from time to time.

Final pics:



And thank you to Mikael for starting me on the journey that led to the discovery of the brush.
sounds like a nice brush, nice old school thinking. Makes you think how stupid the law is, I know its ivory but at least your using it, how attitudes have changed, ivory was used on most things, untill someone noticed all the elephants numbers dwilliding and put a stop to it. dont want a repet of the dodo now do we. still a very good brush, and I love the aged yellow look to it. and yes I am silightly gelous of you :icon_cry2:
Nice one Peter! Makes me want to use my vintage brush too... Hmm, but it was your lovely self and good peoples skills that led you to this brush, really :)
Fido said:
I'm like most other humans. I'm a hypocrite. I hate the killing of animals for most purposes, yet enjoy my steak, fish and chips and looking at ivory objects.

Well Peter, if someone dares to call you a hypocrite, at least you can straight up look him in the eye and admit that you are honest about it. That is more than most would do!

Real Ivory is beautiful but I will enjoy my faux ivory brushes just as much.

BTW: Gorgeous brushes! Enjoy looking or maybe using them in the best of health!
This brush is one of the few I have kept from my earlier collection. I've been using it with Arko this week. Leaving a fair amount of water in it, a swirl on the soap then to the bowl - it lathers amazingly. And still looks good. This brush is going nowhere!

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