A northerner in the south…

Welcome Lipsy! You can't go wrong with the EJ89. Just had a shave with mine plus EJ Aloe cream and Semogue 1305 brush. Veeeery nice!! :shave

Sorry to hear you nicked your adam's apple. Have you tried the trick of pulling your neck to one side then the other so the AA skin can be shaved without the lump? Enjoy discovering all the excellent shaving gear that's out there!
Lipsy said:
I did look at the TTO Supers… I can see it happening, I really can… I shall have to keep 'em peeled.

Hi and welcome Lipsy!! I see you´re on the slippery road of RAD allready :lol:

That would be a brilliant idea – just give me the chance to get this shaving down pat. I reckon it could be time for another go this evening – I have yet to use the 404 (though I do have a small go at lathering with it last night. Needless to say, it was somewhat better than the 'emergency' one I got from the chemist).

Shave number 2… Only one minor nick on my neck. I consider this an improvement... Also got a better all-round shave, tbh.

Reckon I still have some work to do on lathering. New brush notwithstanding, I don't think I'm getting the consistency right.

Not convinced about the Derby blades, either (again, that could be down to my technique).

Anyone else used the NutriMen range of products?

I like the REveal stuff, namely the Exfoliating Wash, the REstoring Toner, and the REality Moisturizer (not tried the REsurface Shave Gel, mind)…

Hi & welcome Lipster. The 89 is a very nice razor indeed & I'm guessing that it'll prove a faithful standby for you for a long time, even though you expand your collection. Some Derbys worked okay for me, but I did find them inconsistent. Big thing is though for you to find what suits your skin & technique, not anyone elses. Enjoy the journey.

Tried Arko tonight – it's blummin' crazy-mad brilliant!

Not sure what the smell is, but it lathers up a charm.
