A Cautionary Tale...

Hi Guys

This has been the worst experience I've been through since getting involved with wet shaving. Last August I bought BIN (on the'bay) a '46-'47 rhodium plated Aristocrat from Razorworxs (not to be confused with Bobs' Razorworks). The cost was $89 plus shipping which to me was ok. Bought and paid for. Waiting to receive. I noticed that he did replating as well. Excellent. I had a couple of razors I wanted done. So I emailed for info and he was helpful and seemed pretty well informed. I sent the razors off, a 1953 SS birth razor, a Rocket HD and a New long comb for plating. Both the TTOs were getting rhodium and the New was in for nickel. I noticed it'd been a few weeks and no Aristocrat. Problems shipping. Ok. I spoke with the owner and we decided to combine all the razors together for shipping after the plating was done.

Over the course of the next few MONTHS I remained calm and in touch with this vendor and kept getting excuses as to when all would be finished. I was getting reasons like “went camping, been busy, the '53 is made from parts that have different alloys, they s/b done this week...maybe even today and on and on.

I was also staying in touch by phone, again trying to remain positive but trying without much success to get my property back. Then I get an email telling me he's had a fire that wrecked his kitchen which is going to delay my stuff. What can you say? I told him I hoped his family was ok but he still owes me a finished product. That was the end of Oct.

Over the next week or so I'm really getting PO'd. I'm thinking the razors are not coming back. So I start sending daily emails asking for my property, then demanding my property. Finally about mid Nov. the jerk says he's finished and sends me an invoice.

I ask to see some pics. He replies that all his electronic equipment was out being cleaned due to the acidic nature of the smoke from the fire. But he'll try and dig the camera up to do so. A couple of days go by and finally I tell him to forget it and bill me. What kind of fool can't borrow a camera from a friend or family member? I'm so frustrated I tell him I'll pay his bill but that on his word, oath, pledge of honour he'll send my stuff back.

I pay. Two days later after more emails he says he's sent it. Nov. 20. The “tracking” number he gave me (a week before he sent the package) isn't a tracking number. The USPS stated the number simply meant they were expecting a parcel to be shipped.
Oh boy. Got the feeling I threw good money after bad.

So a couple of days after he's “sent” my stuff back to me. I put together a pretty harsh critique and assessment of the whole mess and especially his excuses, lack of service and general lack of business ethics. I also tell him I'm going to warn everyone else about using him as well.That gets emailed. I tell him to not bother replying. He doesn't. Now, if it was me and I received an email like that I'd be doing everything I could to make things right or at least as good as I could. Also I would've shipped with UPS or a better way with the USPS that had a tracking number. Because I don't want the customer to tell others about this experience which would impact future work. He obviously doesn't care. And that should serve as a warning to anyone thinking of using this vendor.

I'm now going through Paypal to try and get my money back. If I do it still won't cover what I spent on the razors originally or what I spent on the Aristocrat. Too bad for me. I'm also going to contact the USPS and register a complaint with them concerning fraud. I don't believe contacting the Salt lake City police would do anything but I'm still thinking about it. If I get money back and the razors show up I will repay without question. That's my word.

This vendor is on Ebay under “razorworxs”, his mission statement about plating and vintage razors is there along with emails etc. STAY AWAY from anything to do with him. He cannot be trusted. Even if I get my things back, he's still be to avoided.

Which brings me to the conclusion that 99% of all my dealings with vendors, ebay sellers and you guys have been absolutely topknotch. Can't tell you how much fun I have here. But all it takes is one who ruins it for the next time. People like that usually get dealt with eventually and things even out.

Now I know to be more careful out there. And you too.
Oh man, stories line this suck. Really sorry to read this Huck, I hope you get a successful and speedy resolution and you don't encounter any more such Sellers in the future.

Thankyou for sharing and warning the rest of us on here.
Sorry to hear about the trouble Huck....Unfortunately we seem to run into toerags like that now and again....I hope at the very least you get your goods returned....

I've had similar problems in the past..though not with razors........It's something you don't need..it leaves a "nasty taste"
Sorry bout that Huck. It just reminds me how fortunate I've been since getting onto TSR in being able to deal (in my own very small way) with guys here who've never misdescribed any kit & never let me down with what they promised. Which also means that I pay a lot of credence when I read the experiences of a fellow member like yourselves.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:
i cant believe a lot of people think they can get away with this, you should contact the police that he stole them

hm will be more use than me but the police can get the information from ebay,then his isp to track him down

hopefully you get your money back
Thanx for your kind words, I know where he lives and I'm going through Paypal to try and resolve this. If not I will be contacting the US postal service and the police dept of his city. Maybe nothing happens but I will make things unpleasant for him.
As everyone else has already said, sorry to hear about your problems. Here's hoping that his local police give him a run for his money, so to speak. I'd hate to lose any of my pathetically small number of razors, and I'm going to be very careful when I send one of those away for replating.
huck1680 said:
Thanx for your kind words, I know where he lives and I'm going through Paypal to try and resolve this. If not I will be contacting the US postal service and the police dept of his city. Maybe nothing happens but I will make things unpleasant for him.

Man, what IS it with some of these plating guys? This is the third unpleasant situation I've read about. Must be a degenerative metal poisoning thing that affects their ability not to screw up.

Really sorry that your only recourse is all negative, which is never what you wanna have happen here. Man, I hope you resolve this deal somehow to your at least partial satisfaction.

From what I understand, the problem with trouble is it always starts out as just fun. You would probably agree with that.......

Again, thanx for your support. To date I've registered a complaint with Ebay, Paypal and the United States Postal Service. Not sure where any of this is going but it does keep me occupied and I must admit somewhat amused. The money spent is the least of my concerns, it's the outright lies and deceit that really frosts this Canucks butt.
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