A bunch of stuff I'm passing / paying forward


Wednesday July 20, 2016
Sunny Cornwall

This PIF is open to all members. ( see postal restrictions )

I have a bunch of stuff I'm willing to pass on to someone else, Semogue boar brushes, two SOC and one 2000, a few tallow based soaps, a lavender hand soap and some other stuff!
The box Will no doubt have more in it than is being shown here but no less!!
I am willing to pay the postage within the UK.
If you would like a chance to have this lovely lot of gear please express your interest by leaving your name and I will randomly pick a name on Sunday 28th July, so not long now!
Good luck . P.

Edit.....there will be four more shave soaps plus another boar brush and some blades to go with the above!
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Not in, but extremely generous! Those brushes look great!