5 things, that's it.

i felt the same as you when i first tried the Occam’s Oren,
probably the best shave i ever had and i actually questioned on here what are we actually striving for if we have our best shave yet we keep buying products that are most likely not as good as our best shave.
But i guess most of us love the variety,
and getting down to the nitty gritty it’s sometimes not about the shave it’s all about what’s in our heads.
I think it’s very admirable for someone to use one of everything but i know my personality / Nature won’t allow that to happen.
i’m very similar to my wife,
never happy with what i have lol
Gotta say, I don't buy mountains of stuff but I do like to change it up a bit. Soaps started as FOMO. I started with straights and would have kept it to 2 (one to use while the other was being honed) but started lusting after nicer ones. I think you have to have more than one brush so you can let them dry, but I have ended up with rather more than that, won't buy any more except the Highlander TSR special because that's more about 'the forum' than needing another brush. Someone PIFfed me a DE and now I have 4, and of course I got curious about ACSE and here I am with more than I need, pretty much as much as I want, and it keeps it interesting. I think that's it for me. Results is the goal and the justification but not The Way. I enjoy the journey and making an otherwise dull task interesting. Fair play though to anyone who wants to stick with one setup. Save a fortune, get really good with that kit, there's certainly something to be said for it, if you're not a mayfly.
After your other post, I decided to seek out a twig and test out your setup for myself, I am always on a voyage of discovery.
I can confirm it is indeed all you really need and works extremely well.
Thank you for introducing me to the twig it really did surprise me, a lovely razor.
On a side note for me I have different moods and different razors to reflect this for eg my R41 2011 with a Bruce Lee blade (I feel like I am fighting Han's bladed hand) and it rocks my world as a child of the 70's lol and therefore not after the minimum setup yet.
Huge congratulations on recovering from your RAD and thank you for giving me a mini adventure.
The pleasure is all mine. Glad you enjoy the Twig/Leaf combo as much as I do.


I know what type of razor and blade is best for me. Yet I’ll still try other blades and bugger up my face in the name of “variety”.

I’m stupid!
I’m getting to the point to understanding what I like and works well. So the plan is to use up what I’ve bought. I may replace an item if I really like it.

I have enough soap to last me 10+ years. Enough aftershave for 5+ years. Enough blades for 5+ years. Have enough razors that I only need to change the blades out once a month. Like my Semouge 830 enough that if it was my only brush, I’d be OK with that. But still use a couple of others, since I bought them.

What I think about when I look at all my shave stuff is. How come my Dad and Grandpa never needed all this stuff that I have taking up space? Never heard them complain about getting a poor shave either? Unless the blade was getting dull.

I know some people on the forums like variety and consider wet shaving a hobby. Nothing wrong with that as long as it isn’t a financial burden on you and your family.

But I guess I’m just at the point, that I’m feeling like. I know what I like now and don’t feel the need to keep spending $$. To find something better or add to what I already have.