5 Months down the Line. SE or DE ?


Kent UK
Having deserted Cartridge Shaving, I got back to DE Shaving in late 2013. I decided
after an unwise choice of TTO, to go for Modern Adjustable [ unaware of Vintage Stuff].
Discovering a forum [not this one ],i went down the Blade Acquistion trail.trying
various one`s out. Then I discovered this Forum, and then only purchased those rated highly
by NTS. So Have quite a collection, bearing in mind my age.

Like many I explored the various areas of the forum , and was intrigued by the SE
area, and the pictures of them on SOTD. So Late Sept 2014, not really knowing what
i was doing, purchased a Streamline/ Shovel Head ! [ yes, it was actually a !912 ]. Paid
too much as well, enjoyed initial shave so got a Featherweight too. Had the occasional
shave, but in the main stuck with DE razors. Then after a bit more reading, decided to
go a bit mad, and brought a Streamline. Wow, Very nice too. I was hooked.

Now a few months down the line, have all sorts of ER/ Gem`s. Thanks to Dick
just tried the MMOC,why was i worried ? I had shaved with a 1924.

Decision Time- SE or DE ?
I think I will stick with SE, keeping my DE`s, Only 3 of Value, and use them occasionally.
Will have to work out what to do with surplus blades, keeping real good one`s,
in case I decide to return to DE shaving.

Mike B
Miles853 said:
Hard choice. I decided to get rid of my SE razors recently as decided DE was my passion. Im sure your stuff will sell on BST inc the blades
Maybe you are right, but I am absolutely rubbish at wrapping/packing things up.
Hope to get sons`s onto DE shaving.
I got into SE shaving after about the same number of months ... DEs sat around unused and so at maybe a year, I got rid of the bulk of them. Just recently, I got moved on the last of them retaining only my very first vintage purchase (a Gillette 'Old' which I have had replated), a lovely Gillette Black Beauty, Gillette Bostonian and a Personna with a curious head that ensures you use the correct angle. Oh, there's a Wilkinson Sword 'Sticky' somewhere, too, but I think I'll let that go ...

In a word, I just don't like DE shaves. It was a huge improvement over my cartridge shaves, but I think that was more to do with process, technique and simply slowing down. I've gone back to cartridges to some degree, re-discovering the Trac II and enjoying Gillette's latest single blade incarnation: the Guard. In terms of cartridges, looking back, I used to get perfectly good shaves with cartridges and disposables. For me, it's the closeness of the latest, greatest cartridges which do not work out well for me - ingrowers and irritation, as I have oily skin. Single and twin blade cartridges and disposables work out fine.

But yes, SEs ...

What a shave! I love how SEs shave, be it Ever Ready and GEM, those curious Wilkinson Sword Empires, there's Autostrop Valets, older, lather catchers from various houses and all manner of weird and odd from over 100 years, readily available now we live in a global online world. I like how SEs shave, I like the results and I like the regrowth - for me, that's paramount.

Since SE shaving seems to have caught you, yes, move on your DEs and blades. I've been chucking a pack or two in with sales and so I'm left only with a small number of DE blades: Sputnik, Feather and some vintage Gillette. Every now and again, I'll no doubt have a DE shave. I'm sure you will, too, so hold onto your favourite blades.
Greetings Mike

I think you should hang on to one or two of your very favourite DE's; although I have given away most of mine I still have a few and I find it's really nice to have a DE shave every now and again.

It seems to workout that I have a about one DE shave every couple of weeks so if I kept just a couple I suppose that would be more than enough. With DE blades I have a big poly bag full but I seem to only use the carbon Treets which suit me a treat, great joke heh! ....... ok I'll get my coat!

Only been shaving two weeks with SE's and I'm falling in love, strangly enough the most expensive one (gem jewel) gives me the least good shave. I only have 5 DE's that I'm keeping, sold a lot of them way back when I got into straights. Be careful when you decide to sell them, you might regret it in the future!
After nearly a 3 Month lay off, have decided to use my DE Razors. So far have used Two [ Progress/ Futur ]. Am amazed how much better the shaves are. SE shaving has without doubt improved my technique.

Both razors provided good shaves, but maybe because of MWF the Futur got the edge.Perhaps, instead of shedding these, i will get rid of some SE razors [acquired too many in short period of time ], keeping at least one of each type.
I too moved onto SE after after several months of DE shaving and don't think i'll ever go back. I like the fact the blade lasts much longer, the shave is so much more user friendly. Now what to do with all those DE blades i aquired, prob keep a few to go with my birth year TTO.

atb Paul
chappers said:
I too moved onto SE after after several months of DE shaving and don't think i'll ever go back. I like the fact the blade lasts much longer, the shave is so much more user friendly. Now what to do with all those DE blades i aquired, prob keep a few to go with my birth year TTO.

atb Paul

Hi Paul,
Am having great DE shaves now, having improve techniques with my ER/Gem Razors.What is your Favourite SE ?
I bought an SE razor from BST last year, an Ever Ready G Bar. I really enjoy using it, but because I don't have a huge collection of razors (4 DEs, 1SE), I don't have the issue of thinking about getting rid of anything.
Hi Paul,
Am having great DE shaves now, having improve techniques with my ER/Gem Razors.What is your Favourite SE ?

Its got to be my Gem with a short handle i aquired from here, it's the only SE i use now. I did pop a lab blue into my EJ89 on Friday and was amazed at the quality of shave i had.

atb Paul
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