24 - OK, talk me into or out of it!

Wednesday August 26, 2009
New Forest, England.

What's the verdict?

It has completely passed me by. Never watched a single episode.
its a really good watch, though i got lost(missed several episodes) somewhere around season 5 and never got round to getting back into it
but certainly first 4 seasons had me hooked
Having it on disc and being able to watch back to back episodes, well... it didn't really captivate me. I gave up after the second season.

I'm thinking if I had of watched in on TV and had to wait from week to week for each episode it would have been a better watch.

I think box sets spoil us that way and you can overload on episodes rather than a slow build up and the agony of having to wait a week to find out what happens to our hero hanging off a cliff by his little finger.
Watched a couple or three full series and the odd episode of others.

I didn't really like it.

Can't say why because it's a bit of a 'spoiler'.
I did not watch it first time around, but recently I have been looking for a decent box set to watch with my son and they have all 8 seasons on Sky On Demand so we have been steadily watching our way through them. We finished season 4 last night.

My son and I find them entertaining, but sometimes I have to have a break from them as I can suffer from Jack Bauer overload! My son could watch them back to back though.
Pretty sure I could find a copy of the first few series' somewhere although you may have to watch it on your mac if you get my meaning.
Don't do it! - for three reasons - it's for 'free' on Sky, for free on 'Netflix' (£30 Chromecaster plus £5.66 a month till you're fed up with it) and most of all - it's crap! I abandoned it at 10am Series 1, could take no more, brain dead, long and drawn out, terrible acting, awful sets, totally unreal story line. You have far better uses for £46.75!
I've watched all of them, it took a few shows to get into, but i ended up getting hooked. I used to watch them each day on my commute.

I'll watch the new half a series that's starting this week, but i think i preferred Breaking Bad, another show that i got hooked watching.
I should mention that I picked up 24 to try and fill the gap in my life left behind when I finished all 9 seasons of the X-Files. It just failed miserably, I can't even remember the plot to the 2 seasons I watched.

I'd recommend giving the X-Files a try or The Sopranos if you haven't watched either. Breaking Bad also.

Herself and the old man were big Dexter fans... couldn't speak highly enough of it. I haven't watched it yet.
Bechet45 said:
Don't do it! - for three reasons - it's for 'free' on Sky, for free on 'Netflix' (£30 Chromecaster plus £5.66 a month till you're fed up with it) and most of all - it's crap! I abandoned it at 10am Series 1, could take no more, brain dead, long and drawn out, terrible acting, awful sets, totally unreal story line. You have far better uses for £46.75!

Brain Dead is how I described it to a colleague of mine who watches just about EVERY US series ever made. He agreed. Said it was made for your typical (looks round, whispers) American viewer who believes 'thinking' is something other people do.
Tried the 1st few episodes couldn't get into it. Now a good spy series is alias. Excellent show
I watched and enjoyed the first two series (seasons?!) but decided not to watch more as there were other things I fancied watching and I didn't have enough time.
Band of Brothers was by far the best thing to ever grace my TV.

Breaking Bad was 2nd.

Sopranos 3rd.
joe mcclaine said:
Band of Brothers was by far the best thing to ever grace my TV.

Breaking Bad was 2nd.

Sopranos 3rd.


Band of Brothers is akin to the most gripping movie ever, spread across ten episodes.

Breaking Bad is TV done perfectly.

The Sopranos is a work of art in TV form - plenty of imperfections, but better because of them!
I've not seen 24, but breaking bad was probably the best shot TV series ever made IMO. Dexter is definitely up there as well, that was pretty damn epic.
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