1957 C1 ???? Fatboy on the Bay.

Bury St Edmunds
There's a Fatboy on the bay described as 1957 C1. I was under the impression that Fatboy's started in 1958. Mind you, given it's state, i'm surprised you can read anything on it. Did Gillette start manufacturing them in 1957 ? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Gillette-Fatboy-Safety-Razor-for-repair-C1-code-1957-/151593480492?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item234bacf12c
Wow! Now there's a challenge!

The earliest I've seen have been '58s and they have an extra collar on the adjustment dial, which this doesn't. So I'm thinking it's just a reread of the date code through all the crud!
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