11nd April to 17rd April 2020


Soap - Valobra Stick/RSC Cream
Brush - Omega 11819
Razor - Yaqi DOC
Blade - Personna Red (3)
Post - Witch Hazel/Alum Block
Balm - Nivea Cooling Kick
AS - Superdrug Forest Fresh

Not a great shave today. The Omega 11819 wasn't soaked for long enough, wasn't supple enough and lost 7 or so bristles in the shave. I didn't load enough Valobra stick so the lather was a little thin to begin with so I needed a bit of RSC cream to get the lather going.
I've used over 10 Personna Reds but I've never really been able to get a great shave out of them, they are fine for the 2nd/3rd passes but never quite convince for the first, it seems to always lack smoothness and didn't feel great again today.
Even though I picked up a few small weepers today and needed the alum block, the post shave part of the shave today was probably the most enjoyable part of it all, it might not be the most fashionable splash out there but I really like Superdrug Forest Fresh, I seem to favour it in the Spring months of the year for whatever reason.

Anyway chaps, have a good day.

SOTD Tuesday, 04/14/2020

My third shave with the Brass TAR included some changes. I dialed it up to 5 for the first WTG pass face shave and swapped out the Suneko for a new blade. I never shave more than twice with any DE blade. I still did the dome at 3, which seems to be the maximum exposure I can handle for the noggin. I just received a 26mm Super High Density Two Band Badger Fan knot from Maggards and mounted it on one of my two empty ferrules for the Alpha Shaving T-400 Tribute brush. For my soap I selected Declaration Grooming's Sellout which is one of their milk steak base soaps that I really enjoy. Even this olfactory idiot can recognize the strong citrus notes in the soap, so I decided to pair it with Old Spice Fresh Lime AS Splash.

After soaking the new knot during the shower, I began my shave with my usual cold water rinse. The new knot generated a beautiful thick, yogurty lather from the soap, presalted with the usual 6 drops of M-Bomb. I find that I have much more control of my face shave than I do with the head shave. 5 on the TAR worked well for the face shave, but to avoid set-down errors on the back of the dome, I dialed down to a much more manageable 3 for the noggin scrape. In any case the TAR mowed my whiskers right down to the skin line on bothe face and dome, except for the usual problem areas in that first WTG pass. One thing I will note is the wonderful post pass skin feel provided by this milk steak soap base. After lathering up again, the second and final ATG pass consisted of little more than clean-up of the problem areas with the TAR, which remained at 3 for both passes.

5 is definitely close to the limit for my face shave. The alum picked up some heat around the Adam's Apple, but remained cool for the head shave assessment. All in all, another great shave with the brass TAR. I finished the shave with a cold water wash of both face and noggin with the milk steak brush squeezings. Great stuff! The Thayers WH felt great and followed the cold water wash. Old Spice Fresh Lime completed a spectacular TAR DFS++ shave. Sensitivity around the front of my throat prevented achieving a full BBS, but there are no complaints from yours truly. Still another great shave from the TAR. I feel clean, smooth, cool, refreshed, and more than ready for my first sustained outing in the TR6 this morning. Take care and stay safe and healthy out there!

RAZOR: Brass TAR (5,3)
BLADE: Suneko
PREP: Cold water rinse
BRUSH: Alpha Shaving T-400 Tribute Brush w/ 26mm Super Dense 2 Band Badger Knot
SOAP: Declaration Grooming Sellout (Milk Steak Base)
POSTSHAVE: Cold water wash with brush squeezings followed by Thayers WH and finished with Old Spice Fresh Lime AS Splash
New Forest 2001 brush
Nice to see someone else using the New Forest Brush still. When @Fido started them, it seemed everyone on the forum was using them.

Where did you get your Reds? They seem to have changed the packaging, also the quality from the red packaged blades. I used to use them all the time with no issues until a few years back when the packaging changed.

Pre - Trumpers Sandalwood Skin Food
Cream - TOBS Mr Taylors
Brush - Traditional Shave Co
Razor - MÜHLE R89
Blade - Wilkinson (4)
Post - Alum, followed by Trumpers Sandalwood Skin Food

I always seem to get a good shave with TOBS shaving creams. Even from this travel pot which has dried up.

Tabac Tue 14th SOTD
Soap Tabac
Brush Yaqi 26mm Moka Express
Razor Gillette Single Ring
Blade Astra SP 3rd
Post & Aftershave
Ice Water + Special Thayers
Clubman Whisky Woods
Terrific Tabac as usual. Super good lather quality...as usual.
Shave with razor and blade pairing today somehow was sharp but not smooth. Still unable to find a good combo for this razor. Weepers!!! 3pass enough. WTG, XTG & AGT. Ice water rinse followed by Thayers. Felt better. Whisky Woods top off was great! DFS result with rating of 8.5/10

Where did you get your Reds? They seem to have changed the packaging, also the quality from the red packaged blades. I used to use them all the time with no issues until a few years back when the packaging changed.​

I got them in a PIF, so I unsure to which seller they came from.

From what I know they were sold with red wrappers in cardboard packs of 5 for the USA market, and in plain wrappers in plastic packs of 10 for everywhere else. The blades are supposed to be the same though.

Sellers still have some stocks of the Israel made blades but some others are beginning to stock the Germany made replacements, but the few reports I've read suggest the blades seem to be indistinguishable.
Well the long weekend has come and gone and I hope those that celebrated Easter enjoyed the time with family as best they could.

Today's razor is one of my earlier Aristocrats made in England and from a No. 66 set. Well made, beautiful and a wonderfully mild razor. Fresh Gillette Platinum blade for today's shave.

Soap of the day Stirling Orange Chill with the matching AS. I enjoy the orange scent and the menthol kick. Not glacial but very nice.

Lovely three pass BBS shave and finished with a spritz of B&BW Citron to keep that citrus theme going. Stay safe!

Rating: 5 / 5

Razor: Gillette Aristocrat 1952-54
Blade: Gillette Platinum
Brush: Simpson Special 1
Lather: Stirling Orange Chill
Aftershave: Stirling Orange Chill
Additional Care:
B.I.G. Co. Alum Block
Bath & Body Works Citron
After the usual 1-2 minute hot towel prep:

Kirby/Super Iridium
Floris shaving soap (JF flavor)
1964 Macys silvertip flopmeister
Lucky Tiger AS and Face Tonic
AOS sandalwood/cypress EdT

Third excellent shave with the razor/blade combo, which depends on the right kinda lather for best results. This old Floris version has the ability, with a decent but nothing special and mild scent to my nose. Saying that, I should mention it being NOS, but box wasn't sealed.

This brush really is a big floppy thing but the not extremely hard soap still loads fine with a little more swirling.

BBS results,


Razor: ATT H1
Blade: Gillette Platinum (1)
Brush: WW Brushworks 24mm Cashmere
Soap: Wickham 1912 Ninfeo di Egeria
Pre: Proraso White
ASL: RazoRock XXX
ASB: None

Today's shave is dedicated to the awesome guy that is Russ @RussellR5555 as he has kindly loaned me the ATT H1. I also bought this brush from him in support of Taz and the NdE soap came up in conversation with him on a recent thread.

First thing I noticed is the quality of the H1. This is an excellently machined razor - a completely different league to the Chinese razors I've used in the last few weeks. The pins on the head hold the thin part of the blade slot which is testament to the tolerances of this razor.

The NdE is a lovely smelling soap and the XXX is a fantastic smelling ASL. This shave has been an evening shave so I'm going to bed smelling goooood. I can only assume I'll continue to smell fantastic in my dreams. XXX dreams maybe?

First impressions of the ATT H1 - I like this razor. I left it 36 hours since my last shave and, had this been a morning shave, I could have gone to work looking presentable after a single pass. This is a very efficient razor but so smooth. Had I been buying my own ATT razor, I'd probably have shied away from the H plate before trying it. Not now!

I'm going to test it with 48 hours growth next (i.e. a normal man's 24 hour growth).

Thanks Russ!

Sotd - Tuesday the 14th of April

Prep - facial scrub
razor - ATT Calypso M
blade - Nacet (2)
brush - Semogue LE 2012 - badger and boar
soap - Arran - Lochranza - it comes in a pebble - what's not to like?
post - witch hazel
a/s - Deliplus locion - Spanish
balm - Arran - Lochranza.

Result? This shave did not get off to a good start - I either over-bloomed the Lochranza or didn't shake enough water out the soaked brush - in fairness both the soap and the knot are relatively new to me - apply one to the other - copious amounts of crap, airy, watery foam issuing out the 'pebble' almost instantaneously - okay - lesson learned - we know the solution to this problem - just keep loading - until it all comes right - which it did. A couple of minutes later - the sort of creamy peaks that you might associate with a well made lemon meringue pie - 'Is that a cream cake or a meringue?' "no, you're right hen - it's a cream cake.' - good luck with that - if you aren't Glaswegian. It all came good in the end - every day - even lockdown ones - indeed - are school days. Have excellent shaves - one and all - cheers - I

Oh - after my post yesterday - find below - social isolation in the Saudi Arabian desert - my correspondent tells me - 'The Tuwaig Escarpment - eerily quiet and still.' - no f***ing shit Sherlock? Joking aside - not a landscape you get to see in pictures that often. Fascinating. Arizona - anybody? That is a view that cut by water and wind over an awful long time.

Glad you like the Razor Chris , my experience of it is the same it is efficient but smooth , I personally think ATT Razors are underated by many as the build quality is excellent and compares favourably to all the high end Razors.