
  1. N

    Professional sharpening service?

    Hello all, I want to get in the world of straight razor shaving. Never done it before, but the usual Gillete, Mach3, etc are useless against my super thick beard hairs (ironically, I'm bald, sigh). Anyway, I bought a cheap razor online to start learning (maybe I should have invested in a...
  2. Big Ben blade going on and on............

    Hi guys I have just used a BB blade for shave number 8 and it still giving a DFS if not a BBS. I have noticed that with a couple of days growth it does seem to tug for the first couple of strokes and that's when I think "This'll be the last one then...." but after that the blade seems to...
  3. M

    New knife or sharpen existing

    Hey all, There seems to be some knowledgable knife people around here so would appreciate any help or advice. I'm not knowledgable about them to be honest which you'll probably gather when I ask the question! I have a set of these...