What made your day a good one

Have got today off so a pint of Keemun in the blazing sun whilst lazing in my scruffs until midday before a good shave and a wander into Torquay for some lunch.
I've also got today (and tomorrow) off .... Have been paid ... And have been shopping!

A new pair of cheap, narrow toed and stiff soled trainers for cycling, as I've finally lost my rag and swapped my pedals back to flats with straps and cages. Clipping in and out every ten yards in rush hour traffic has finally gotten on my nerves once too often.....

And a new pair of Nike Mercurial astro turf boots while I was there ........ Seeing as, when I lost all my weight, I seem to have lost a little off my feet as well and my regular boots are moving around too much now and causing me blisters.

I'm also home before half past two and wondering what top do with the rest of my day ........ Which is a nice change ......
Just enjoy it whilst you can Simon, all too soon you'll retire and from then until you drop every single hour will be occupied for you by people who assume that because you don't have an occupation to go to you're constantly available for any chore which arises. Even worse, some of the idiots really believe that they're doing you a favour by occupying your time and making you feel needed. Which is an error they make only once with me.

JohnnyO. o/

Need I say more?
So........ Standing in our little kitchen in work yesterday morning, washing my brekky bowl out and grabbing a cuppa to take up to the print room with me ..... and I'm chatting and messing about with the cleaner girls that come in twice a week, Becca and Christine. Lovely girls, the pair of them ...... work their arses off, bounced from pillar to post in their cleaning jobs, having to pick the mess up after some of the worst excuses for human beings I've ever heard of ....... And they do it all with a joke and a smile and just get on with it. I swear, if I ever win the feckin lottery, I'm retiring the pair of them. If ever two people deserved it, it's these two.

Now ..... Christine is 44, as am I ....... She's a girl that's had more than her fair share of downs, rather than ups, over the years and still puts one foot in front of the other with more enthusiasm than a Japanese gameshow contestant. She's a lovely looking girl and, 20 years younger, must have broken hearts.

Becca, on the other hand, is 22 going on 23 ....... and may as well be Christine's daughter in that, one way or the other, she seems to have practically raised her since she turned twelve years old along with her own daughter. They work together and, impressive to me, Becca has the same cast iron approach to life as Christine. I have a niece and nephew around her age and I wish they had a tenth of her approach to getting on with shit, I really do. She's about 5'4", slim ... a little waiflike, in fact ..... gorgeous blue eyes, dark hair and she's a quiet girl ........ or at least that's how she seems. I think people may have the impression of her that she's perhaps a little 'not there' or slow, but no; she's just quiet.

She's quiet ...... but far from bleeding shy, mind you. Christine had warned me about this ..... and to this day, amuses herself greatly at my expense as I find out how 'not shy' our gorgeous little Becca actually is. So ...... the three of us are in that little kitchen yesterday ...... cracking jokes, as you do ....... and Christine happens to mentions tattoos. I know Becca has on on her lower back, so when she said she wanted one more...... Well, I thought she only had the one ...... so I asked her how many she had .... and she said "four". Intrigued, now .... I asked her where they were. She points to her lower back, her upper shoulder, the front of her arm and her right side ....... All general locations, as she's wearing a loose, long sleeved top and leggings.

I said "Didn't know you had that many Becca .... What's the one on your side?" ....... and this is where it all got a little ..... well ..... interesting. I was dimly aware of Christine's voice somewhere to the right of me, telling me that this tattoo was her 'big one'. I was absolutely and starkly aware of Becca stepping right up to me, turning her right side to me and saying "Yep, this one!" ......... At which point she lifts her top up her side to show me the star designs inked up that way, but then traps her top in her armpit so her arms are free to grab hold of her leggings to pop them down obligingly far enough for me to see the downward extent of her body art ........ It was mid thigh ...... use your imagination.

So .... Essentially, I'm standing in a tiny kitchen and a gorgeous 22 year old is standing about six inches away from me in her feckin underwear. All I could say was: "Becca ...... you just get your arse right out for me to have a good look at, why don't you babe?" ...... at which point, Christine went into hysterics, laughing. Becca straightens herself out, in no rush, telling us she hasn't got an arse, what's the fuss about? Christine, calming a little, tells me she warned me about Becca ....... Although I'd generally associate warnings with danger and the only thing I was in danger of here was having to go and stick my head under a cold tap for a minute.

So .... just so I'm clear after writing all that shite:

"...standing in a tiny kitchen and a gorgeous 22 year old is standing about six inches away from me in her feckin underwear....."

That's what made my Friday a fecking humdinger of a day ......... And just the thought of it today is making Saturday a bloody good day, too ..... So I thought I'd share :D
Depends how furry the manly Big Bro Bechet chesticle area is . For any tat I'd shave, disinfect and exfoliate the area before attending the studio. I've got a ' living will ' and have had a note put in my medical records as well as letting wife and friends know that when I'm gone, I'm gone ! No need to needlessly strive and all that.

JohnnyO. o/
Milestone in losing weight today (only weigh myself on Saturday) 99,2 kg so for the first time under the 100 kg since 20 years. I am pretty pleased!! Lost 14,5 kg since 4th January. Will go on tough want to lose an extra 10 kg.
100 odd miles each way
2 1/2 hours in the car each way

Worth it to take a photo of my two young uns with this.

I was up there on Monday with my two Boys Oscar & Boris the Bedlington Terriers just took a different route to the tourists as I only live about 15 minutes from Penyfan, walking is my greatest pleasure in life I walk on average about 40 to 50 miles every week for as long as I can remember.

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Milestone in losing weight today (only weigh myself on Saturday) 99,2 kg so for the first time under the 100 kg since 20 years. I am pretty pleased!! Lost 14,5 kg since 4th January. Will go on tough want to lose an extra 10 kg.

Jeez, that is pretty strong,

If my figuring's correct, you're down to under 400 pounds! Or slightly over maybe.
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