What are you reading at the moment?


Staff Member
LeJog 2022 Finisher
Friday July 10, 2009
Given the growing number of Kindle users on here I have created it's own section. I thought it would be interesting to make a thread to see what people are reading and 'swap' ideas with each other.

I am currently re reading - The Amber Spyglass
Currently reading the final book in Stieg Larsson's Millennium Trilogy, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest. Very enjoyable so far.


I've also got Freakanomics on the go at the same time. Easy to dip in an out of.


Next up is going to be the A Song of Ice and Fire series I think, although I'm debating whether to watch the Game of Thrones TV series before reading the books.

Lets just say I've got enough books lined up to last a lifetime. ;)
Good call on the Song of Ice and Fire, downloading now.
Yes but be warned, you will be converted if you hang around us too long, ask HM :D
I've every intention of being converted, so that's all to the good. :)

My wife and I have steamed through all the translated novels by Jo Nesbø: excellent stuff which should suit anybody suffering from Larsson withdrawal. Having seen off that lot, it's back to Henning Mankell for the time being. Still on the Scandinavian theme, Mikael strongly recommends Camilla Läckberg, which is good enough for me.
I'll add to the "Nordic Noir" genre here... Arnaldur Indriđason & Yrsa Sigurđardottir & Camilla Läckberg... there's more that I can't recall off the top of my head.

As for being converted - well I took advantage of Mr Tesco's who gave me a large discount in the shape of a £20 off £100 spend voucher for use in store... and a pile of clubcard vouchers. Oh and he gave me double clubcard points on the purchase and some more for using my own bag to carry it out the shop :)

What am I reading - well just now it's Breakthrough!: How the 10 Greatest Discoveries in Medicine Saved Millions and Changed Our View of the World

Worth keeping your eyes peeled and mooching around the Kindle forum at http://www.mobileread.com - there's a sticky about free & cheap Kindle books - mostly crud, but occasional gems.

Oh and before July 10 (I think it is) if you're willing to temporarily switch your Kindle to the US store, you can get some games on there too... Scrabble for 99c (plus sales tax because I used an address in Texas)
At the moment I'm finishing Duncan Bannatyne's autobiography and have also started the "50th law" book by 50 Cent and Robert Green. The latter book has taught me some very basic things about life that I should have got to comprehend much earlier on...

Would love to get a Kindle but it's only for you guys in the UK, right?


If I wanted to get a Kindle, would I be able to buy it through someone in the UK and then having it sent over here?

How would I be able to buy books thereafter (without interfering with the cc of the person who will have purchased it for me)? Through the Amazon.co.uk website?
You can have it shipped to you from here no problem, I dare say there would be a few people willing to help you out with that. Then use amazon.co.uk (through the TSR link of course :p) to buy and send your books over to the device. You can also email content to yourself at your own @kindle.com email address which if used through your wifi connection will be sent and downloaded free.
N_Architect said:
Would love to get a Kindle but it's only for you guys in the UK, right?


If I wanted to get a Kindle, would I be able to buy it through someone in the UK and then having it sent over here?

How would I be able to buy books thereafter (without interfering with the cc of the person who will have purchased it for me)? Through the Amazon.co.uk website?

If it's bought in a shop (ie. not direct from Amazon) it's not registered... if someone bought it from Amazon it would be registered to their account directly by Amazon... easy to deregister though and attach it to the "right" Amazon account.
'A Jeeves & Bertie Story'

Nowadays it's Jeeves % Wooster. I wonder when that changed. Could it have been due to the popularity of the TV series starring Fry & Hugh? :s
Pig Cat said:
'A Jeeves & Bertie Story'

Nowadays it's Jeeves % Wooster. I wonder when that changed. Could it have been due to the popularity of the TV series starring Fry & Hugh? :s

Probably. I think I prefer Jeeves and Bertie though. I loved the series but I think the books are funnier. More slapstick. The show never made me laugh out loud but the books do. Just brilliant.
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