Shopbetter24 Warning

Wednesday March 20, 2013

Just to make you aware of an issue I've encountered with this company. And yes, potentially it's my error.

When you make your first order / sign up they offer you a free trial membership. This if not cancelled then reverts to £18 a month.

I did cancel it (or so I thought) the process is not particularly straightforward and looking online at some Trustpilot reviews i'm not the only one to fall foul of this.

I am engaging with them to see if they'll refund my money but they are not being very forthcoming and helpful.

My order came through and I was happy so no issues there. Just the subscription thing.

Just thought I'd make you aware.


So it's a little discount off the prices and some other bits and pieces. Something about being able to take part in some raffles / draws etc.

It's certainly nothing that really warrants paying £18 a month.

So Shopbetter24 are still holding their position and their correspondence is shall we say dismissive and a little condescending.

I have spoken with my bank who are seeing what if anything they can do.

In light of the companies attitude I won't be doing business with them again.


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