SOTD: Saturday January 7 - Friday 13 January 2023.

North East.UK

SOTD: 7th January 2023.


Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: Warm shower:/Asda Tingly Mint & Tea Tree Shower Gel.

Cold wet flannel to my face & head.
Palmolive Naturals Olive & Milk Bar Soap.
Brush: Omega 10066.
Bowl Lather.
Bowl : Home Bargains Stainless Steel Side Bowl.
Lather: Nivea Men Sensitive Pro Ultra-Calming Liquid Shaving Cream.
Razor: Merkur 37C (Face) - Treet Black Carbon. (D1)
Razor: (Head/Dome) Schick G type Injector - Personna PTFE SS Injector. (D3)

Cold water face & head wash with brush squeezing's, Cold Water Face & Head Rinse./Alum Rub. / Cold Water Face & Head Rinse. Homemade (~Autumn/Winter mix~) peppermint lavender, eucalyptus, + Tea Tree essential Oils Mixed Together With 200ml of Care+Witch Hazel. /Nivea Men Replenishing PSB./Milton lloyd Essentials No.10 EdP.

A new shave set up to start the weekend.... i've carried on with my Sub-continent revisiting blade focus using the Treet black Carbon is another blade that I've infrequently used in the past which paired together wonderfully with my Merkur 37C.

A close comfortable face & head shave with no errors to report. Finishing the shave off with a few small squirts of Milton Lloyd Essentials No.10 EdP to the pulse points.

My face & precious swede are feeling super smooth & smelling divine. ;)

Keep safe and enjoy the start of the weekend ladies & gentlemen. :cool:
Sat 7
Soap Catie's Bubbles Irish Coffee
Brush BOTI 26mm Fan Silvertip
Razor Wade & Butcher 13/16 Wedge
Aftershave Clubman Whiskey Woods
The sweet aromatic scent from the soap with a good enough lather must somehow match the whiskey woods. The brush is just fantastic...quite soft.
This razor's edge has not been as satisfying even after going through the LaLune twice. So, I decided to put this wedge through the full diamond pasted balsa progression...without the tape (the razor was honed with tape). The TTT was not bad but HHT was not so good, however, the shave was surprisingly better. 3 smooth and comfortable passes for a bbs-ccs finish...
Pretty standard gear for me today, no surprises. My “go to” R41 twinned with a Shark blade, but I’ve swapped over to my gold plated R41 because I’m just that flash. I love this combination of razor and blade.

Still working through the TF&H Trafalgar, which still has some old Palmolive stick dropped in it, and went with a boar hair Omega brush.

No pre-shave oil today, as my skin didn’t feel like it needed it. Just a nice hot soak first and a cold rinse
with the left over lather after.

Two passes: one WTG and one ATG.

Smooth and comfortable.


Razor: Feather ASD2
Blade: Feather (2)
Brush: CH2 Manchurian
Soap: Zingari Man The Rambler


I enjoyed this shave much more than I thought I would. I've been using the Feather to decide whether or not I should move it on. The last shave was one but I was leaning towards selling it. The Feather blade was super smooth for this shave and the Sego base is fantastic. Whilst a good finish takes a bit more work with this razor, I'm going to keep giving it a run out with some different blades. I'm now on the fence. It's a very nice design in terms of balance and feel. That Japanese did well with this.
Saturday 7 January

Dragged old Enoch out today, thought I’d start a week of SE shaves. It never fails me, looks good, great weight and paired with a Captain Titan Mild 2nd use blade is my go to combo. RazoRock Stallion soap creamily applied with my well used Culmak junior badger. Still a soft brush after losing a bit of height with age, bit like me I guess. Two passes and pick ups for a very acceptable shave. Old Dr Johnson and his mates have the look of someone who lost a pound and found a penny. Or maybe someone had just pissed in their beer :ROFLMAO:
I love the vast array of names given to shaving products and wonder about the image that these might convey to users. For example, RR Stallion! = Strong, masculine and quick, although if someone said you smelt like a horse I doubt this would be taken as a compliment. Reminds me of the wonderful Hancock’s half hour shows. In one he sucks heavily on a cigarette and exclaims, “Dreadnought, for men!” Then coughs his guts up. Are there any Dreadnought shaving products out there? If not there should be, name of the WW1 battleship class, so = strong and virile, used a lot by sailors which of course all the nice girls like.

Enough of my ramblings, have a great weekend fellas!

Saturday 7th January

Boti 24mm 3 Band Badger - Stirling Bay Rum - Feather SR/Proshave S - Lustray Bay Rum

Another little notch upwards today as the SR doesn't have the safety lip. It has been a good start to the new year with a week of fantastic results.
2 passes and a touch up for a shave that was 'Practically Perfect in every way' :)
Sat 7th January

Stirling Syn 26mm
Claymore Evolution
Feather Proguard ( 3 )
Tuff Green A/S Lotion

I very rarely enjoy Shaves away from Home, often the lighting and mirror set up is not quite right.I really enjoyed todays Shave after my last one at my Sister in Laws, which as usual was not that good. I have a good sized full basin width mirror, which makes shaving different areas of the face very easy, so very easily cleared a few days growth and resulted in a good close all round finish.

SOTD 7-Jan
Brush: M7
Soap: DG Daemon
Razor: ER Ambasador
Blade: GEM PTFE (9)
Post: DG Daemon AS & EDP

Grand shave this morning, nice easy two pass for an exceptional finish. The brush is brilliant, nice backbone, if there were any more it would probably be a little too much for me. Holds and releases lather well, really can't complain.

Hope everyone has a grand kick off to the weekend.


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Sotd 07/01

Pre shave paa cube
Soap paa droid black ck6
Splash paa droid black
Balm: paa star jelly droid black
Alum bloc

Bowl wet the face
Brush paa starcraft
Razor razorock hawk v3 standard plate
Blade: kai captain titan mild pink 3rd use

Morning folks went for the usual 3 pass shave this morning and went full paa great scent on droid black and as expected really good dense lather another great shave with the Hawk and blade still going good on 3rd use I normally bin them at 5 uses great way to start a Saturday

SOTD January 7 2023

Razor - Ever-Ready 1912
Blade - Personna Gem
Soap - MWF
Brush - Goodfellas Wild Hog (Omega)
Post - Baxter of California ASB
Frag - YSL Kouros

What a beautiful shave!
I'm getting back into using boar brushes and this one soon had the MWF whipped into a fabulous lather.
The E-R 1912 is one of my favourite vintage razors and always gives a lovely shave, I've lost count of the number of shaves I've got on this blade but it's still going strong so back in the razor it goes!
A small amount of ASB on my perfectly smooth skin and job done, an application of YSL Kouros and now I'm smelling great.
The act of a simple shave can do wonders for how you feel. :)

Stay safe and warm.

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Prep: Face wash with Simple face wash
Pre: Bart's Pre-Shave
Razor: Muhle Rocca - Birch Bark
Blade: Astra Green
Brush: Muhle Rocca - Birch Bark
S Soap: HAGS - Resurrection
Post: HAGS - Resurrection AS

A bottom drawer shave! And not because of the gear it's not good but rather the way it agrees (or not) with me is the problem.
The Rocca is an absolute exquisite piece of kit. However way too much for my skin. The fact that I shave daily also doesn't help but for me this is not a daily shaver. Too aggressive. I persevered for 6 consecutive shaves and the answer is no, not a keeper :(
Same conclusion for the soap/splash combo. Amazing performance but the scent is just not quite there for me so the whole kit will make its way to BST soon.

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