Hello again

Hello all.

Long term member tentatively returning here after many years of absence! You may remember me for creating the blade review spreadsheet which I think a few of you liked.

Have had other priorities and not a few big changes going on in my life the last few years, but a recent spring clean (in December?) led me to go through all my boxes of shaving stuff and rekindled a few fond memories.

Have had a brief chat with Gairdner and have been in touch with fly3k in person during my leave of absence. Now wondering how Dodgy, JoeMclaine and others are getting on.

I will dip in from time to time but will try not to get as obsessive about this place as I once was. Try is the operative word though!
Hello all.

Long term member tentatively returning here after many years of absence! You may remember me for creating the blade review spreadsheet which I think a few of you liked.
Hey what's doin,

Well, it's been a little while since I last posted. Glad to see you active here again. Heh, I have some vintage blades to send you for evaluation at your leisure.

Type at you soon,

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